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  1. #31
    Never shed
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    Re: Thanks for nothing (or: new snake had mites)

    Just got back from the store very interesting turn of events.

  2. #32
    Never shed
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    Re: Thanks for nothing (or: new snake had mites)

    Well i went to the store to speak to them face to face.I spoke to the manager who said whoever i spoke to on the phone would be dealt with. We checked the tank that my guy came from and sure enough they all have mites. He was in with some Radix.

    He took me into the back room of the shop to show me two baby red sided he had,got them out let me handle and check them over i was allowed to watch them for a good half hour,and they looked ok.The manager offered me one as a replacement and the second should i want it for £30 not the usual £39.99.

    Sorry don't know what that is in dollars. Ive maybe done a bad thing but ive taken them bearing in mind they where in a completely different room at the back of the shop,i know mites are very infective but i honestly couldn't see any.I know thats not to say they wont show up in the next few days but i couldn't resist. They are treating the radix today and have asked them to call me when they are free of mites as ide like a pair too. For me they are the only reptile shop that does garter snakes in my area. Ive checked with a few people i know that deal with them and nobody has a bad word to say about them.

    I understand alot of folk on here will think im a very silly boy but im all for second chances god knows ive had enough of them.

    I have the guys inside a faunarium on paper towel with loo roll hides and a water bowl,gonna monitor them for the next few weeks. They are tiny so if somebody could point me in the direction of feeding them ide be great full... I understand i may get some abuse for what ive done but sorry i couldn't leave them there i wanted them to bad!!

    Kindest regards Tim

  3. #33
    Never shed
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    Re: Thanks for nothing (or: new snake had mites)

    Ide just like to add a big thank you to you guys for been so helpful and patient with me. Thanks to you all sincerely

  4. #34
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Thanks for nothing (or: new snake had mites)

    You did alright Tim. You pressed the issue and obtained a solution the was fair in your eyes.
    There are two sides to this coin. I hope the shop will treat the infected snakes properly. My heart aches for all the infected animals but especially the radixes.
    Please keep us posted on this situation.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  5. #35
    Never shed
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    Re: Thanks for nothing (or: new snake had mites)

    Most certainly will Steve...Thanks ATB

  6. #36
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Selkielass's Avatar
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    Re: Thanks for nothing (or: new snake had mites)

    I'm glad you got a better outcome. I hope the little guys thrive for you.
    You're going to have to be vigilant about mites. They are tenacious and known to wander and hide in furnishings.
    White paper towel, white dishes, disposable cage furniture, all good stuff.
    I've also heard of people who create a mite barrier of petroleum jelly near the top of the tank to trap the juveniles when they are in their wandering phase.

  7. #37
    "First shed, A Success" Ruth's Avatar
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    Re: Thanks for nothing (or: new snake had mites)

    Quote Originally Posted by Selkielass View Post
    I'm glad you got a better outcome. I hope the little guys thrive for you.
    You're going to have to be vigilant about mites. They are tenacious and known to wander and hide in furnishings.
    White paper towel, white dishes, disposable cage furniture, all good stuff.
    I've also heard of people who create a
    mite barrier of petroleum jelly
    near the top of the tank to trap the juveniles when they are in their wandering phase.
    Yes do this, I do it and you have to be aware that mites travel. Clean the enclosure very often and that will stop the cycle with no need for chemicals which can make poorly or weak snakes worse. I too am for second chances but have walked away from my only pet shop in town due to how he kept his rats which has made life a little harder for me. I think we have to be prepared to walk away no matter how hard. I hope they do well and are with you for many many years

  8. #38
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" chris-uk's Avatar
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    Re: Thanks for nothing (or: new snake had mites)

    If you got a reasonable response from the manager of the shop and feel confident that he will do what he's said to treat the infested snakes (and I assume check his other stock), then only you know if you made the right call by supporting the shop with your business.
    You know what you're looking for with the new snakes, so keep them quarantined and keep vigilant.

    Regards feeding - small smelt cut into pieces slip down very easily, pinkies cut into small pieces (a bit more messy) or obviously fish fillets can be cut into the appropriate size.
    T. marcianus, T. e. cuitzeoensis, T. cyrtopsis, T. radix, T. s. infernalis, T. s. tetrataenia

  9. #39
    Thamnophis cymru -MARWOLAETH-'s Avatar
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    Re: Thanks for nothing (or: new snake had mites)

    I'm sorry to hear about the snake and the rotten deal.

    Don't keep babies in faunariums. They can flatten their heads out to fit through the smallest of gaps (like my little sod did)

    45cm³ Exo Terras are practically escape proof and will do pair until their subadults.

  10. #40
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" chris-uk's Avatar
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    Re: Thanks for nothing (or: new snake had mites)

    Quote Originally Posted by -MARWOLAETH- View Post
    45cm³ Exo Terras are practically escape proof and will do pair until their subadults.
    Just need to sort the polystyrene background to make sure the little buggers don't get behind it. It's the first place to look if you have an "escape" from an ExoTerra and are using the background.
    T. marcianus, T. e. cuitzeoensis, T. cyrtopsis, T. radix, T. s. infernalis, T. s. tetrataenia

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