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Thread: My snake log

  1. #341
    Thamnophis houstonius ProXimuS's Avatar
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    Re: My snake log

    Yea, nice work! Really cool pics
    ~* Emily *~
    Canis lupus familiaris- Tippy, Thamnophis proximus orarius- Proximus, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis- Tallie

  2. #342
    "Preparing For Fourth shed" Spankenstyne's Avatar
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    Re: My snake log

    I wouldn't put the new girl in with George, or any other male. He will breed her and she can have babies even before she's a year old which I definitely don't recommend.
    I found that one out the hard way, please learn from that mistake.

    You can keep mixed adults together year round but he will try to breed her at various intervals and she may end up having multiple litters in a year which can be very tough on her and likely lead to unhealthy babies. For this reason I keep my groups same sex unless they are being bred.

  3. #343
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Light of Dae's Avatar
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    Re: My snake log

    Yup took a little bit of work to do the photo shoot but it was fun. I painted the treasure box, made the 'gold', painted the background (Twice as I wasn't happy with the first one :P ), Cleaned Iffrit's tank, put divider in and added new clean walnut shells, set everything up. It was fun.

    Yea I decided not to put new girl in with George. But he does need a buddy, I have no one else his size. The Flames are getting close to his size but they are girls so again it won't work. .. :P
    3.2 T.Marcianus, 1.2 T.Sirtalis, 1.0 Zacapu, 1.0 T.Radix
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  4. #344
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Light of Dae's Avatar
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    Re: My snake log

    Trying to feed everyone in a short time frame is a good challenge. I didn't feel like container feeding all the babies this time. I fed them in tank with a platter full of itty bitty worm chunks. I watched for a while till most of them had eaten n the few who hadn't, had been looking at me, leery of eating with me watching. I walked away n fed Stubby, George and the Flames. Looked back over at the babies... They were all fat, getting along and happily laying in the empty dishes.

    That's when I heard it! The rustling! The crinkling of PAPER!!! I turned! I RAN!!
    (Well really walked... But it was a fast walk) And there they were... The Flame girls were face to face! Fighting, Tossing each other around the room. All over a worm. I opened the door and picked both of them up With ONE HAND!!! I pulled at their tails and I poked them in the nose.

    Then One turned to me and BANG! She showed me her teeth! I had to act fast! I reached around! I grabbed n PULLED!
    At Last they were Free!
    One Flame remained in my hand.
    Victory worm quickly disappearing down her throat.

    Crisis avoided.
    3.2 T.Marcianus, 1.2 T.Sirtalis, 1.0 Zacapu, 1.0 T.Radix
    0.1 Banana Cali King Snake
    0.1 BoxerXRottie Mutt

  5. #345
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" chris-uk's Avatar
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    Re: My snake log

    Food fights keep you on your toes. That's why I keep an old pair of disection scissors to hand so I can snip the food and let them both take half - I've not had to resort to them yet. :-)
    I think my "infernal three" could easily end up eating the same piece of food if I wasn't watching them. Maybe it's something to do with red snakes?
    T. marcianus, T. e. cuitzeoensis, T. cyrtopsis, T. radix, T. s. infernalis, T. s. tetrataenia

  6. #346
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Light of Dae's Avatar
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    Re: My snake log

    Well at least today everyone was better behaved. Flames took each piece nice and in turn lol the Flame that lost the worm in the fight last time took each piece slowly making sure she got it. It was like an old dog taking treats from a kids fingers, so so careful lol

    Babies again did very well, no fighting. The eager ones filled their guts first then watched the shyer ones sneak in n eat. It was a peaceful feeding. Worms n mice.

    Stubby ate his worms, George ... For the first time ever!! Didn't care that I watched him eat! He ENGULFED his entire dish of worms! There were a couple times that he grabbed two chunks of worm at once lol

    Oh good days.
    3.2 T.Marcianus, 1.2 T.Sirtalis, 1.0 Zacapu, 1.0 T.Radix
    0.1 Banana Cali King Snake
    0.1 BoxerXRottie Mutt

  7. #347
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Light of Dae's Avatar
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    Re: My snake log

    George is again upside down under the paper towel lol He must think he's slithering on the ceiling! Silly George <3
    3.2 T.Marcianus, 1.2 T.Sirtalis, 1.0 Zacapu, 1.0 T.Radix
    0.1 Banana Cali King Snake
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  8. #348
    Thamnophis cymru -MARWOLAETH-'s Avatar
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    Re: My snake log

    *In Georges head* ♪Spider snake.Spider snake.Does what ever a spider snake does.Can he swing from a web?No he can't hes a snake.Look out he's a spider snake

  9. #349
    T.s. affectionado EasternGirl's Avatar
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    Re: My snake log

    Great pics! I love them. That checkered girl looks like a healthy eater! Yeah...I agree that you don't want to put a young female in with a horny He will constantly harrass her...and she could end up gravid too soon. I hear you about the food babies go into feeding frenzies everytime I feed them...and fights do ensue. I'm always yelling at them and saying "Hey leave him alone! Stop that! Go get your own piece!"...and my family laughs at me. I even tried putting boxes in the middle of the tank and separating the easterns from Joe and Bella, since they are such pig snakes...but they all found their way over to each other. I laughed about George being upside down...reminds me of Possum. Of course, Possum does everything upside down or sideways!
    3.3 T.s.sirtalis 1.0 T.marcianus 1.2 T.radix 1.0 T.s.parietalis
    Izzy, Seeley, Ziggy, Perseus, Peanut, Snapper, Hermes, Sadie, Osiris, Seraphina, Little Joe

  10. #350
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Light of Dae's Avatar
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    Re: My snake log

    Ok so it is yet again time to feed everyone and time to clean some tanks. Thinking this time I'm going to change up the substrate a little... I've got Some Recycled Paper Pellets (As cat litter) Think I'll do a paper towel bottom Then layered with paper pellets and some crinkle cut colored paper on top for color n hide-ability

    Will take pictures and post them when done.

    This is the female babies tank right now (for feeding I take out the fake plant wall..) I'm not happy with the set up :P

    This is Checkered females tank(she needs a name yet) Lol Friend of ours kids made a pumpkin for the tank lol Waxy string things.
    3.2 T.Marcianus, 1.2 T.Sirtalis, 1.0 Zacapu, 1.0 T.Radix
    0.1 Banana Cali King Snake
    0.1 BoxerXRottie Mutt

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