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  1. #21
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" BLUESIRTALIS's Avatar
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    Re: Whitesided fl. green water snake

    [QUOTE=aSnakeLovinBabe;168608]If that snake was listed at $500 none of you would have had time to consider it as I would have pounced on it!

    good point about breeding flame and leucistic, but the flame gene is different and it's much stronger. The red phase of green water snake is a much more toned down effect that affects the entire body overall... I don't think it'd change much once it's got such a powerful white-out gene over top of it. I had a beautiful red male at one point but he inexplicably dropped dead on me.... not surprising though since it was a baby.[/QUOTE

    That flame gene sure is a strong gene. I don't know much about the red phase green waters but there's not that many morphs for the green water snakes and you gotta start somewhere besides don't you think if the white does cover the red then the normal hets maybe red which would mean nicer looking hets. Shannon do you know who had the calico baby?

  2. #22
    "First shed, A Success"
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    Re: Whitesided fl. green water snake

    The person who found this snake back in April contacted me with pictures of it to see if I was interested, and at the time I wasn't trying to work with water snakes. So he said he was going to try and breed it. Apparently they couldn't get it to eat, so it ended up with Daniel from Sunshine Serpents, who got her feeding on bullfrog tadpoles. I contacted him when he first advertised it and said if the price drops a good bit I'd take her.

    I'm currently looking for a nice male to breed her with, possibly a albino male, I don't think there's albino green water snakes out there but I'll mix em' if I have to... And for the record I too don't think the snake is "whitesided" but more of a "piebald" variation. She looks a lot like the Palmetto corn snakes that Don Soderburg is going to be selling this year, they're white with flecks of pattern here and there.
    - Mike
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  3. #23
    Subadult snake Chondro788's Avatar
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    Re: Whitesided fl. green water snake

    Yeah, I think the name Ivory is even better. Reminds me of the Ivory Blood Pythons.

  4. #24
    I have a condition! RedSidedSPR's Avatar
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    Re: Whitesided fl. green water snake

    This water snake isn't even all that attractive to me. Never been a fan of albinos and snows etc.

  5. #25
    Forum Moderator aSnakeLovinBabe's Avatar
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    Re: Whitesided fl. green water snake

    Quote Originally Posted by annulataarethebest View Post
    The person who found this snake back in April contacted me with pictures of it to see if I was interested, and at the time I wasn't trying to work with water snakes. So he said he was going to try and breed it. Apparently they couldn't get it to eat, so it ended up with Daniel from Sunshine Serpents, who got her feeding on bullfrog tadpoles. I contacted him when he first advertised it and said if the price drops a good bit I'd take her.

    I'm currently looking for a nice male to breed her with, possibly a albino male, I don't think there's albino green water snakes out there but I'll mix em' if I have to... And for the record I too don't think the snake is "whitesided" but more of a "piebald" variation. She looks a lot like the Palmetto corn snakes that Don Soderburg is going to be selling this year, they're white with flecks of pattern here and there.

    I would prove out her trait separately first before you mix it with another line of any kind, that way you have an established line of "pure" pieds. Then after you get some visuals on the ground, you could start mixing and matching. Just a suggestion.
    Mother of many snakes and a beautiful baby girl! I am also a polymer clay artist!

  6. #26
    Adult snake brain's Avatar
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    Re: Whitesided fl. green water snake

    I paid that much for both of my Womas. Which IMHO are much prettier than that lack on color?
    1.1 Woma (Sun Burst), 2.1 Eastern Blackneck, 3.3 Plains Garter, 3.1 Puget Sound,
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  7. #27
    "First shed, A Success"
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    Re: Whitesided fl. green water snake

    I agree Chondro, looks like the "Ivory" Eastern Hognose snake I once saw for sale for $15,000. I'll keep the Ivory name in mind...

    Quote Originally Posted by aSnakeLovinBabe View Post
    I would prove out her trait separately first before you mix it with another line of any kind, that way you have an established line of "pure" pieds. Then after you get some visuals on the ground, you could start mixing and matching. Just a suggestion.
    I agree, she'll most likely be bred to a normal male next year.

    Here's another pic of her, from when she was first caught.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    - Mike
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  8. #28
    It's all about the Fuzzies jitami's Avatar
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    Re: Whitesided fl. green water snake

    She's quite impressive, Mike. Best of luck with her!

    Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
    from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.

  9. #29
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Whitesided fl. green water snake

    Good looking snake.
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  10. #30
    Subadult snake Chondro788's Avatar
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    Re: Whitesided fl. green water snake

    Are you definately gonna end up with her? I, like you, politely offered quite a bit less then asking price and was never even returned an e-mail.
    I told him what I thought it was worth and what I was willing to pay and I didn't even get a "no thank you".
    - Jason

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