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  1. #21
    It's all about the Fuzzies jitami's Avatar
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    Re: A year In The Life Of...

    Too cute!

    Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
    from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.

  2. #22
    "First shed In Progress" kurtnagel's Avatar
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    Re: A year In The Life Of...

    Well I finally got a good look at Agua and unfortunately her shed was incomplete. She was clean and shiny about 1/4 the way from her head but dingy and dull the rest of the way to her tail. So I gave her a good soak and helped her peel off the rest. She looks great now, but the skin is in quite a few wet pieces, so no comparison for the next one Agua is quite skittish still and doesn't take to handling well, so I will let her settle for a bit before I try for a picture of her new clothes.
    Last edited by kurtnagel; 09-27-2008 at 07:25 PM. Reason: Detail

    Rosa - Adult Female W/C Plains
    Agua - Neo-Nate Female C/B Puget

  3. #23
    "First shed In Progress" kurtnagel's Avatar
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    Purely Pink!!

    After a week of mixed worms and pinky parts and then scented parts, Agua decided she likes pinky. Tonight I offered nothing but un-scented pinky. She quickly devoured half a pinky, cut in quarters. Hmm, I guess that would be four pinky eighths After they were all gone, she continued to search the bowl and even seemed to look at me as if to say, "Sir, may I please have some more?". "Maybe tomorrow sweet baby", I replied

    Rosa - Adult Female W/C Plains
    Agua - Neo-Nate Female C/B Puget

  4. #24
    It's all about the Fuzzies jitami's Avatar
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    Re: A year In The Life Of...

    Awwww... very sweet Kurt... great job getting her to take pinks

    Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
    from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.

  5. #25
    In Hog Heaven
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    Re: A year In The Life Of...

    I'm liking this little story. It's fun to read what others do. It cracks me up the way even men can get guishy over garters/snakes. Even men call Hoggies "cute." LOL!!!
    2.0 NY Eastern Garters; Peepers, Jeepers
    3.1 Western Hoggies; Kenabec, Niizh, Kokopelli, Anasazi
    3.0 Puget Garters; Kunikpok, Tungortok, 'Rockster
    1.0 Eastern Milk; Carmello

  6. #26
    "First shed In Progress" kurtnagel's Avatar
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    Re: A year In The Life Of...


    I haven't updated this in a while, so a little update is in order. I don't have any new pictures because Agua has turned out to be very shy. She spends most of her time under her waterbowl. She eats well and will come out to take her pinky halves, cruise around a bit and then retreat back to her hide under the bowl.

    Since she has been eating well and has had two successful sheds, I'm not all that worried. I am thinking that it is the cooling weather (although my radix, Rosa has seemed to increase her cruising of late) and perhaps that she is still a baby, but it is a bit disappoiniting that she isn't out much. Certainly not "garter like" at this point. Sounds more like other snake varieties I have read of here.

    What do you think?

    Rosa - Adult Female W/C Plains
    Agua - Neo-Nate Female C/B Puget

  7. #27
    Moderator adamanteus's Avatar
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    Re: A year In The Life Of...

    I kept 'Black Necks' (T. cyrtopsis occellatus) for a while last year, Kurt, and I found the same thing.... rather 'un-Garter-like'. Always hiding, very shy etc. Unfortunately one died unexpectedly, and I traded the other because I just got bored of her!
    Pugets on the other hand.... I love 'em!
    This is a great idea for a thread, Kurt, I must have been away when you started it. Is it for anyone to add their snakies to?

  8. #28
    "First shed In Progress" kurtnagel's Avatar
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    Re: A year In The Life Of...

    Quote Originally Posted by adamanteus View Post
    This is a great idea for a thread, Kurt, I must have been away when you started it. Is it for anyone to add their snakies to?
    Sure, I never intended for this to be just my Agua, but it seems to have started out that way.

    Rosa - Adult Female W/C Plains
    Agua - Neo-Nate Female C/B Puget

  9. #29
    "First shed In Progress" kurtnagel's Avatar
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    Re: A year In The Life Of...

    Quote Originally Posted by adamanteus View Post
    I kept 'Black Necks' (T. cyrtopsis occellatus) for a while last year, Kurt, and I found the same thing.... rather 'un-Garter-like'. Always hiding, very shy etc. Unfortunately one died unexpectedly, and I traded the other because I just got bored of her!
    Pugets on the other hand.... I love 'em!
    Well I am hoping thta Aga will "come out of her shell". I have heard so many great things about Pugets and I am hoping that this is temporary. Anyone else had similar experiences?

    Rosa - Adult Female W/C Plains
    Agua - Neo-Nate Female C/B Puget

  10. #30
    Moderator adamanteus's Avatar
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    Re: A year In The Life Of...

    Quote Originally Posted by kurtnagel View Post
    Sure, I never intended for this to be just my Agua, but it seems to have started out that way.

    That's great! In that case I will keep a record of a female T. radix here, from birth to giving birth.......

    This picture taken at two days old... I have no idea which one 'she' is.... but I will pick out a healthy female and chart her progress from now on.

    She is three weeks old tomorrow and eating very well. She takes trout, pinky parts and earthworms. I expect her first 'proper' slough later this week........ updated photo to follow.

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