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  1. #21
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: Is this vomit or poo?

    Oh heck. Now he's probably going to go make horse sausage for breakfast. Sigh... crazy Fins. (Finlanders. Finnish... Finnies?? LOLOL)
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  2. #22
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: Is this vomit or poo?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lori P View Post
    Oh heck. Now he's probably going to go make horse sausage for breakfast. Sigh... crazy Fins. (Finlanders. Finnish... Finnies?? LOLOL)

    Hey, if we're not supposed to eat them, then why are they made out of meat? (Not the Finns)

  3. #23
    "First shed In Progress"
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    Re: Is this vomit or poo?


    And, as I said, there was TWO of them, both were fresh, and pretty far away from each other. Why would she regurgitate twice; don't they usually regurgitate one pile and that's it?

    I just gave her fish and I put a tiny little piece (as it should be) of fenbendazole-preparation to it. That should kill all the possible tapeworms etc, I hope she has no coccidias.

    I haven't measured her for a while, but she has been growing up well I'd say a little over 60 cm.


  4. #24
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" count dewclaw's Avatar
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    Re: Is this vomit or poo?

    Perhaps three fuzzies were too many and your snake couldn't fully digest them, so the fuzzies were passed only partially digested. I have heard of this happening in other animals, don't know if it is possible with snakes...
    "The early bird catches the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese."
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  5. #25
    "First shed In Progress"
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    Re: Is this vomit or poo?

    Now I've been surfing on the net and I'm starting to scare the worst thing - Cryptosporidiosis. Well yeah probably not and that's really what I hope, but do you have any ideas how common is that with snakes? My ball python is bought from a pet shop which should dependable, unlike most other pet shops. They said it's CB, but now I really doubt that.

  6. #26
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: Is this vomit or poo?

    don't panic just yet
    just keep on top of it
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

  7. #27
    Forum Moderator aSnakeLovinBabe's Avatar
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    Re: Is this vomit or poo?

    that stuff looks a LOT like what My bullsnake Jakey was puking up. it was just a nasty blob of foul smelling mush... it looked eactly like that. Jakey was treated at the vet but he did not pull through... I hope you have a much better turn out than I did!

    It looks to me like some regurge, it looks like a later-stage regurge as well. possibly 3 fuzzies was too much and your snake just burped up a little bit of it? Don't over-worry just yet, and parassite treatment is a very good measure. If you see anymore of that stuff following your treatments... get some screening done right away!!

    best of luck!
    Mother of many snakes and a beautiful baby girl! I am also a polymer clay artist!

  8. #28
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: Is this vomit or poo?

    Yeah, don't panic yet. It might just be that you over-fed the snake. If it happens again with a normal amount of food, then I'd start getting worried.

  9. #29
    "First shed In Progress"
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    Re: Is this vomit or poo?

    Ok now I'm shocked. She hadn't been regurgitating since today, when she ate yesterday - again maybe a bit too much, but what can you do if she's just so stupid she over-eat - pieces of salmon. So she regurgitated ONE of the pieces today.

    But now something very creepy happened.. She suddenly started to rush and run all over the terrarium very fast, keeping her mouth open, like she was posessed or something! But then it stopped suddenly. What can it be?? There went accidently some peat to her stomach while she was eating yesterday, might that cause this? :S Well that symptom didn't help for it, there went it some more when her mouth was open and she was rushing backwards and everything. I'm so scared. It was a bit like the video of the thiamin deficeny snake in youtube, but my snake was much faster (and didn't die. ). I always put B1-vitamin and reptile's vitaminsupply to her fishes, but I'm not sure if I have putted it too little or something? :S Should I try giving her some extra B1?

    I'll wait until she poo next time and then I bring her fecal to a local lab. The cryptosporidioses (and giardia) can not be found there because it should then be formalined and taken straight from the stomach, but all the possible other parasites.
    Last edited by Anthon; 08-12-2008 at 08:37 AM.

  10. #30
    The red side of life. zooplan's Avatar
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    Re: Is this vomit or poo?

    hello Anton.

    If your snake had too less vitamin B1 you should give her an extra portion.
    The swallowed peat would not cause such an reaction (if its not contaminated with toxins).
    There is no way to fight cryptosporidiosis I know yet, but you (maybe) can try to better your husbandary, that would work against any thinkable disease.
    At least the digesting problems could be caused by the weather as well and we all are still only guessing.
    Your vet should be able to check a lot of possibilities if you give him a sample of feces.
    Allready waiting for the sommer
    best wishes bis bald Udo
    Breeding Redsides EGSA-Chairman

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