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  1. #21
    Old and wise snake KITKAT's Avatar
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    Re: Why do you keep them?

    I love garters and Oscars. They know you are there, and they demand food!

    As I write this, my baby red side is STARING at me!
    "Acts of kindness should never be random."

  2. #22
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Odie's Avatar
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    Re: Why do you keep them?

    Cheep, easy to feed and
    Quote Originally Posted by Snake lover 3-25 View Post
    Garters are just so tolerant and active but they are still able to be calm and easy going and they all have their own seperate personalities

  3. #23
    Thamnophis Collectus Josh's Avatar
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    Re: Why do you keep them?

    wow glad to see all the responses!

    0.0.2 T.s.sirtalis

  4. #24
    "First shed, A Success" SpyrotheGartersnake's Avatar
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    Re: Why do you keep them?

    i like garters because unlike some snakes they like to be active unlike ball pythons who just like to mostly lay around. another reason is because of the unique colors they come in

  5. #25
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: Why do you keep them?

    Just because they are cool, and all the other reasons previously stated.

  6. #26
    In Hog Heaven
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    Re: Why do you keep them?

    Because I fell in love with Winnie. Never knew you could feel this way about a snake!

    And I can't do kings and corns because I'm still terrified of those. The coral snake syndrome. Gophers have no personality and don't have cute faces. I will admit my second love is Hoggies. Like garters they're cute and have personality.

    Will not do boas. (shudder)

  7. #27
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: Why do you keep them?

    (Laughing uproariously) Famous last words, Gertie... famous last words!! I shall document this for when you have a boa snuggled in your lap and you're ohhhhhing and ahhhhhing on about your new kingsnake.... :-)
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  8. #28
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: Why do you keep them?

    So Gertie, what would you do when the phone rings and some 20 year old girl says come get my python before I throw it out the door????

    I had no intent to own a python, then the phone rang.....

    Needless to say he sits here pampered silly, eating chocolate covered mice, sipping the finest well water, swimming in our tub and watching animal planet all day.

    Once you start, it's hard to look back.

  9. #29
    In Hog Heaven
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    Re: Why do you keep them?

    Never, Lori!

    Dekay, I'd tell her to call the MN Herp Society. OR I'd take the thing, toss it in the tub, and I'd call the MN Herp Society. But I don't ever want one of those horrible, ugly SCARY things!!!!!!!!!! No offense meant to you parents of boas and pythons. I saw one - a HUGE ONE!!! LONGER THAN I AM TALL!!!!!!!!!! AND ABOUT AS BIG AROUND AS MY THIGH!!! - at Twin City Reptiles. It gave me the heebee-jeebees!!!!!!!!

  10. #30
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: Why do you keep them?

    How about this pretty thing???

    He's fully grown, this is as big as he'll get. and he's a clever one too.

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