Quote Originally Posted by adamanteus View Post
You guys who use light bulbs to heat your vivs; How do you regulate the temperature when the temps outside the viv fluctuate? How do you warm the viv during really cold nights? What precautions do you take to prevent your snakes coming into contact with the bulb and frying?
No precautions are in my opinion needed, as long as there isn't a risk that the snake can get trapped somehow. They have better heat sensors than we do and seem to know to stay away from the bulbs. I've seen them reach for the bulbs, but recoil before they've actually touched the surface. If you don't trust the snakes, a metal mesh around the bulb keeps the snake away.

No need to warm the viv during the nights here, normal room temperature is between 19 and 23 year round. Well within what the snakes tolerate. The problem I've come across, is too high daytime temperatures. I shut off the heating when the temperature rises above 28 degrees Celsius.