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  1. #21
    Juvenile snake twgrosmick's Avatar
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    Re: Shipping and temps

    Quote Originally Posted by ConcinnusMan View Post
    There's a lot of things they don't allow on paper but still do it. One time I was packing a bag of tobacco to be shipped. They told me they can't allow that and told me to go home and pack it so they don't see it, then come back and ship it.

    First we need to clarify the difference between being allowed to do something and it being right because obviously you are looking at those as one in the same. Just because your postal workers aren't doing their job correctly doesn't make it right. If the package were to get held up somewhere else by someone who was curious as to what type of reptiles you were shipping then you would have a problem.

    Also, I would really like to know what locations you were using to get SYR quote. There are other ways of shipping, reptiles express is cheaper than syr and offers the same service.
    I would actually like to thank you Richard because honestly you just made yourself look like the biggest *** without me even needing to say anything else. As mentioned above you clearly have no regard for the rules and don't care as long as you think you could place the blame on someone else. To sit here and try to argue that it is allowed is clearly bull **** when you said yourself your postal workers don't follow the rules anyways. How about when someone else tries to do it and they get busted because you told them "It is ok, just don't say anything" or when a package gets opened up and they find snakes, or even worse, if one snake gets out and then because of pricks like you the reptile hobby comes under even more attack on the basis that "we" don't know how to follow the rules and properly package/ship snakes.

    As a side note, I apologize for the minor profanity used. I just am not a fan of people trying to cut corners to save a few bucks...

  2. #22
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    Re: Shipping and temps

    Quote Originally Posted by twgrosmick View Post
    Also, I would really like to know what locations you were using to get SYR quote.
    Simply go to their website, put in the information they ask for, and they give you a quote. Now, are you through ranting? I honestly don't know why you're getting so bent out of shape. Seriously.

    Now, if you care to pay over $100 for me to ship you a $25 snake, that's up to you. I'll ship it any damn way you want to pay for. It's not my money. Just keep in mind, the last (and only) time I did that (it went FedEx) the snake arrived dead and the package beat all to hell. That was the only shipping fatality I've ever had.

    I'm still not clear why I need another company as a middle man if they're just going to send it FedEx. Somebody please explain. I don't even know what they do besides sell fedEx shipping labels and packaging.

    EDIT: Nevermind. I just read what they do. Still don't see any reason for it.
    Last edited by ConcinusMan; 11-27-2012 at 09:09 PM.

  3. #23
    Never shed Robyn@TRR's Avatar
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    Re: Shipping and temps

    "I guess idiots that don't pack them right screws it up for everybody."

    Oh, the irony.

    USARK and other reptile industry representatives are testifying before Congress TODAY, trying to save the future of the reptile hobby/industry from anti-reptile legislation. A significant part of that argument is that reptile keepers are responsible folks that follow the guidelines and rules. ShipYourReptiles has sent folks to Washington DC to testify that reptile breeders and dealers ship snakes as a regular part of industry commerce, but they do it safely and responsibly, following strict guidelines and using approved shipping channels.

    You aren't allowed to ship snakes US Postal. Period. Pleading ignorance or "who cares?" is no excuse.
    It also doesn't save you from any legal ramifications. Parsing the word "allowed" doesn't win the argument.

    Pawning off YOUR responsibility on ignorant postal workers is also not an integrity saving excuse.

    And neither is "my snakes only cost $25, whaddya want from me?".

    Legitimately shipping live snakes has a particular cost. Pay it, be responsible, represent the hobby and industry properly, or don't ship snakes. YOU are the one that is going to "screw it up for everybody", as you say.

    The SYR rates start at 20% BELOW the FedEx rate. And that is what it costs to ship snakes.

    You have been doing it illegally "forever" (the US Post Office is a federal agency, it isn't just "against company rules"). NOW IS THE TIME to step up and do the right thing. For your sake, your integrity, and for the safety and future of the reptile industry.

  4. #24
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    Re: Shipping and temps

    It's easy to complain about people not following the rules while a good majority of the garter snakes that are in the trade wouldn't be there if it wasn't for...

    You know what. Nevermind. You go ahead and buy, trade and sell your pugets and concinnus' and all the while, you preach about following the rules. Nevermind how they got to be available in the first place. Everyone's jumping down my throat but it never occurred to people that there is no legal way, and never has been one, to get either of those species. That includes their captive descendants. They're all illegal if you want to get picky and follow the letter of the law, and I'm pretty sure that doesn't just apply to those two.

    If my east coast customers are going to have to pay $105 + to get snakes from me, I might as well give them away for free so I'll just shut it down and quit doing it at all. In fact, I think that's exactly what I'll do. It's getting to be a hassle and I'm not making enough to be worthwhile anyway. Happy now?

  5. #25
    Juvenile snake twgrosmick's Avatar
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    Re: Shipping and temps

    Quote Originally Posted by ConcinnusMan View Post
    If my east coast customers are going to have to pay $105 + to get snakes from me, I might as well give them away for free so I'll just shut it down and quit doing it at all. In fact, I think that's exactly what I'll do. It's getting to be a hassle and I'm not making enough to be worthwhile anyway. Happy now?

    It isn't a matter of shutting down. It is the fact that you know how to do it correctly yet you still cut corners. Offer incentives to purchase more snakes so shipping isn't as expensive in comparison to the snakes being purchased. Get FedEx certified yourself, you can ask anyone who is, they offer the same if not a better discount than SYR. It isn't hard to do it the correct way Richard and there is no excuse for it. I think this thread has said all it needs too and with Robyn chiming in confirming the fact that is is illegal we know can put this issue to rest and everyone knows that USPS is not an acceptable way to ship reptiles.

  6. #26
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    Re: Shipping and temps

    Quote Originally Posted by twgrosmick View Post
    It isn't a matter of shutting down.
    Yes it is. Nobody is going to pay that when they can just go to the next guy who's charging $40 for shipping. And as far as FedEx certification goes, I already looked into that long ago. You can only ship to a business so that's about worthless. I've only shipped to a business a couple of times in 3 years. Believe me, I've already looked into every other "right" way to ship. NONE of them are practical at all. I'm not going to sell a damn thing at those shipping rates. Maybe for you guys shipping $500 orders and nothing but high end snakes, it works out fine. I only ship perhaps a maximum of 10 packages a year, if that. So, I would never see those discounts they promise for volume shipping and I would never see a customer anyway at those rates. 20% lower than "retail" fedEx rates is still higher than hell. So, I guess I just won't do it at all.

  7. #27
    Juvenile snake twgrosmick's Avatar
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    Re: Shipping and temps

    Quote Originally Posted by ConcinnusMan View Post
    Yes it is. Nobody is going to pay that when they can just go to the next guy who's charging $40 for shipping. And as far as FedEx certification goes, I already looked into that long ago. You can only ship to a business.
    Correct. That means you can ship to a FedEx hub and have it held for pickup

  8. #28
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    Re: Shipping and temps

    Ridiculous. If I am to follow the rules, I can't use them either. I'm not a business. Never claimed to be, and I don't do enough selling to even have to register as a business. According to fedex's rules, I gotta have a business. I know, people just cheat and put in a fake business name, but that's still cheating, now isn't it. And now, you not only want my customers to pay a ridiculous amount, but also have to go pick it up. Like I said, might as well just stop doing it and let the next guy who's only charging $40 for door to door, get all the sales because I'm not going to sell jack **** if I do what you're suggesting.

  9. #29
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Shipping and temps

    With respect to the creator of this thread why doesn't this conversation move to somewhere else. If a new thread title needs to be created I'm sure a moderator would create it and move this conversation.
    Just a suggestion.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  10. #30
    Juvenile snake twgrosmick's Avatar
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    Re: Shipping and temps

    Quote Originally Posted by guidofatherof5 View Post
    With respect to the creator of this thread why doesn't this conversation move to somewhere else. If a new thread title needs to be created I'm sure a moderator would create it and move this conversation.
    Just a suggestion.
    I agree, I think all that needed to be said has been. Thanks Steve :-)

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