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  1. #11
    Subadult snake dieselbaby's Avatar
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    Re: you couldn't write this stuff

    Awesome stroke of luck you had there, and i know how hard it can be to try and word your ad just right so you dont offend people but dont get the nut jobs inquiring as well.

  2. #12
    matris ut plures Mommy2many's Avatar
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    Danbury, CT
    Country: United States

    Re: you couldn't write this stuff

    Congratulations, John! Can't wait to see the pics of your new Radix's!!! That is awesome news!
    Le Ann

    "Research shows that if you're afraid of spiders, you are more likely to find one in your bedroom. I'm really afraid of Johnny Depp."

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Country: England

    Re: you couldn't write this stuff

    I shall start with an apology i promised to post pictures of the radix and haven't done so.
    the reason?....... kids.... what a one sided deal they can be... on the one side it's pick me up from here dad drop me off there dad....will you... can you... would you... etc,etc... put the shoe in the other foot... sorry dad... cant dad... not now time dad
    I now have my new camera, despite some advice from Chris i can still not make head nor tail of it and should i get passed that barrier and manage some decent snaps there is still the problem of getting them down loaded to the sight, i don't mind saying i am really peed off with the situation and things are going to change, there is likely to be a bunch of young people using public transport a whole lot more around this neck of the woods [i am going to put my foot down with a firm hand]. ..RANT OVER ...the radix continue to do well they never refuse food they are very relaxed when handled, they seem to enjoy the human contact possibly more than any other garters and are reluctant to go back in their tank they really are a joy to keep, Kenzo [radix] my treasured friend has always displayed these same tendency's i have always thought of her as a one off i am now beginning to suspect that perhaps all radix are like this, there is a old duffer on the site who bleats on about his radix cant remember his name, he lives in Idaho or is it Ohio perhaps its Utah and he lives on some kind of ranchero so perhaps it's new mexico any way this guy swears by his radix perhaps, just, perhaps we should take the old guy more seriously [ it may not be dementia after all].
    after all this one fingered typing i am feeling a little calmer now,i have a CD on in the back ground [Xmas songs] and yes i know that it's January and XMAS has come and gone but it' a long story [dont ask] so to get to the point if you see some photo's suddenly appear on here it means my no more mister nice guy has worked....fingers crossed
    ​I'm not actually a gynecologist...but i'll take a look.

  4. #14
    matris ut plures Mommy2many's Avatar
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    Danbury, CT
    Country: United States

    Re: you couldn't write this stuff

    Time to get busy with that camera, John!
    Le Ann

    "Research shows that if you're afraid of spiders, you are more likely to find one in your bedroom. I'm really afraid of Johnny Depp."

  5. #15
    Juvenile snake angrygamer's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    New Mexico
    Country: United States

    Re: you couldn't write this stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by PINJOHN View Post
    After recently seeing an advert asking for a new home for a pair of garter snakes i told my self that they were all most certainly checkered's [the red eared terrapins of the garter word] and as i have four large adults checkered's already and two broods amounting to double numbers still to be placed [no hurry for this i am really enjoying growing them on] i thought i should pass on this,i tell my self that it's more than likely that they will end up in a loving knowledgeable home and go on to live long contented lives,..... but that other voice is saying but how can you be sure isn't the fact that they are free likely to attract the wrong people,..... yes but what about the tick list you are preparing for Chris's thread you don't have unlimited space do you really want to use it up on more checkered's,..... the upshot is i predictably went for it and began to compose an email there was a small blurry picture of a single garter snake with the advert which seemed to bare out my identification, while doing my one fingered typing my son Christopher comes into the snake room and i tell him all about it, he suggests i make the picture bigger just to confirm identity...., just how do i do that, i ask,... clicking on the photo he ask's me in his most exasperated voice just how many times am i going to have to show you these really basic functions ............ but i wasn't really listening i was starring at the much enlarged photo THAT was most definitely not a checkered, with a rapidly beating heart i typed that email as fast as my one fingered style allowed and pressed the send key.
    it was only later that i realized that he had probably pasted a garter picture lifted off the internet and they would still most likely be checkered's....... after waiting a couple of days i received a call last night, would i come and pick them up, the guy explained that while buying some lizards from a lady she had virtually pleaded with him to take the snakes and after taking them on he discovered that they were much more active and demanding than the corn snakes he had kept, so they had to go.
    the conclusion of this long winded tale is that i picked the snakes up this morning and i can now confirm that miracles do still happen, i am now the owner of two of the most most most beautiful RADIX you are ever likely to set eyes on !! WHO'S THE DADDY !! YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by PINJOHN View Post
    I shall start with an apology i promised to post pictures of the radix and haven't done so.
    the reason?....... kids.... what a one sided deal they can be... on the one side it's pick me up from here dad drop me off there dad....will you... can you... would you... etc,etc... put the shoe in the other foot... sorry dad... cant dad... not now time dad
    I now have my new camera, despite some advice from Chris i can still not make head nor tail of it and should i get passed that barrier and manage some decent snaps there is still the problem of getting them down loaded to the sight, i don't mind saying i am really peed off with the situation and things are going to change, there is likely to be a bunch of young people using public transport a whole lot more around this neck of the woods [i am going to put my foot down with a firm hand]. ..RANT OVER ...the radix continue to do well they never refuse food they are very relaxed when handled, they seem to enjoy the human contact possibly more than any other garters and are reluctant to go back in their tank they really are a joy to keep, Kenzo [radix] my treasured friend has always displayed these same tendency's i have always thought of her as a one off i am now beginning to suspect that perhaps all radix are like this, there is a old duffer on the site who bleats on about his radix cant remember his name, he lives in Idaho or is it Ohio perhaps its Utah and he lives on some kind of ranchero so perhaps it's new mexico any way this guy swears by his radix perhaps, just, perhaps we should take the old guy more seriously [ it may not be dementia after all].
    after all this one fingered typing i am feeling a little calmer now,i have a CD on in the back ground [Xmas songs] and yes i know that it's January and XMAS has come and gone but it' a long story [dont ask] so to get to the point if you see some photo's suddenly appear on here it means my no more mister nice guy has worked....fingers crossed
    How much coffee do you drink?

  6. #16
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Country: United States

    Re: you couldn't write this stuff

    I would be happy to help you with your camera problem.
    Just give me a call on Skype and we'll work on it.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  7. #17
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: you couldn't write this stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by angrygamer View Post
    How much coffee do you drink?
    You don't want to know. Let's just put it this way,
    without John buying coffee the economy of Liverpool would suffer greatly.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  8. #18
    Juvenile snake angrygamer's Avatar
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    Re: you couldn't write this stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by guidofatherof5 View Post
    You don't want to know. Let's just put it this way,
    without John buying coffee the economy of Liverpool would suffer greatly.
    I'm a pretty avid coffee drinker myself.

    I use a hand crank burr grinder to grind the beans.

  9. #19
    Old and wise snake charles parenteau's Avatar
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    Re: you couldn't write this stuff

    If I can post pictures every one of you can do it as well!!!

  10. #20
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" chris-uk's Avatar
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    Country: United Kingdom

    Re: you couldn't write this stuff

    If I'm working up north and passing Liverpool I will stop in and give you a crash course John.
    T. marcianus, T. e. cuitzeoensis, T. cyrtopsis, T. radix, T. s. infernalis, T. s. tetrataenia

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