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  1. #11
    Hi, I'm New Here! Herps 4 Life's Avatar
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    Country: Italy

    Re: Introducing my self (and some noob questions)

    Thanks to every body! regarding the guppies y have tryed with shallow water,without water, on the tip of my finger but..nothing! guess I'll have to wait more as you say then.. it's that what scares me is that he's REALLY losing weigth,and somewere over the half of his body I've noticed like a little bulge over the back, could it be a manifestation of the calcium lack??
    -ehm..sorry if the photos are a bit messed up,but you know, was my first post and still have to exactly figure out how things work..eheh

  2. #12
    Adult snake Snakers's Avatar
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    Eastern, NY
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    Re: Introducing my self (and some noob questions)

    idk if you tried this yet but try to make a minnow trap or buy one and set it in some water near you but if you can't i'd buy nightcrawlers from a local store if you cant im sorry i couldn't help
    Wants:Any Color Morph of the Thamnophis s.s.,And maybe a Radix

  3. #13
    Hi, I'm New Here! Herps 4 Life's Avatar
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    Sep 2009
    Country: Italy

    Re: Introducing my self (and some noob questions)

    Hi!!! I wanted to report an update to all!
    Just like 3 hours ago,I offered him a live guppy. It was already alerted by the opening of the enclosure,so, with slow movements I dropped the fish just a couple of cm in front of him. He started to smell it a few times with the tongue,and continued staring at it for some time, like thinking "so... now what am I supposed to do with THIS??" but then got closer and started touching it with the nose and Ta-Daah, no more guppy! I'm so happy!!! ^^ Then he stared to look around for more! but I only fed him one for today, don't want to charge too much his stomach.
    Oh and Dan,I checked, and it seems indeed that I have a Pulchrilatus! Thank you!
    And Rhea, I bougth him 2 weeks ago
    I have writed another reply,but it dindn't show up, guess I have done something wrong
    Thanks to every body, I love this community, everybody is so friendly and professional, plus, it is incredibly useful!

  4. #14
    Adult snake
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    Jan 2009
    Country: United States

    Re: Introducing my self (and some noob questions)

    Real glad to hear about your success keep us posted how the little guy is doing.

  5. #15
    Mr Thamnophis ssssnakeluvr's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Country: United States

    Re: Introducing my self (and some noob questions)

    glad he started eating for you. sometimes it may take a couple weeks for a snake to adapt to captivity and start eating....just takes time and patience!

  6. #16
    It's all about the Fuzzies jitami's Avatar
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    Country: United States

    Re: Introducing my self (and some noob questions)

    Welcome What a gorgeous baby you have! I'm glad he's started eating for you! Little ones like this rarely over eat. You can leave a dish with guppies swimming in water in his tank for him and he'll eat what he needs and leave the rest for later

    Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
    from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.

  7. #17
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: Introducing my self (and some noob questions)

    Congrats, Al
    your garter just needed some time
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

  8. #18
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
    Country: United States

    Re: Introducing my self (and some noob questions)

    Great news. From the looks of that snake more than 1 guppy isn't going to up set anything. A few shuold be just fine.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  9. #19
    Adult snake Snakers's Avatar
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    Eastern, NY
    Country: United States

    Re: Introducing my self (and some noob questions)

    i know how happy you feel when ur new companion eats its like a burst of joy
    Wants:Any Color Morph of the Thamnophis s.s.,And maybe a Radix

  10. #20
    Snake Charmer mustang's Avatar
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    Texas, San Antonio/Helotes
    Country: United States

    Re: Introducing my self (and some noob questions)

    Quote Originally Posted by Herps 4 Life View Post
    Hi!!! I wanted to report an update to all!
    Just like 3 hours ago,I offered him a live guppy. It was already alerted by the opening of the enclosure,so, with slow movements I dropped the fish just a couple of cm in front of him. He started to smell it a few times with the tongue,and continued staring at it for some time, like thinking "so... now what am I supposed to do with THIS??" but then got closer and started touching it with the nose and Ta-Daah, no more guppy! I'm so happy!!! ^^ Then he stared to look around for more! but I only fed him one for today, don't want to charge too much his stomach.
    Oh and Dan,I checked, and it seems indeed that I have a Pulchrilatus! Thank you!
    And Rhea, I bougth him 2 weeks ago
    I have writed another reply,but it dindn't show up, guess I have done something wrong
    Thanks to every body, I love this community, everybody is so friendly and professional, plus, it is incredibly useful!
    now u gotta get em on a pinky diet...until then let em eat guppies but the challange is finding a b1 capsul so u can spray a little bit of b1 on it so it dosnt get thimine defficency which is fatal...
    ROBERT The Reptilian Teen

    "growing old is mandatory

    growing up is optional "

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