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  1. #11
    Juvenile snake jere000's Avatar
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    Re: Hatching Black Racers??????

    I wanna catch a black racer so bad but i can't find any of them.

  2. #12
    "Preparing For First shed" Mom2Four's Avatar
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    Re: Hatching Black Racers??????

    ARRRGGG Waiting on beebeee snakies to hatch is almost as bad as waiting on your own to be born... we have a hole in one egg.. I can see movement in there but Mr. or Ms. Snakie has yet to emerge... I shall name this first slow poke .. Pokeypotomas

  3. #13
    "Preparing For First shed" Mom2Four's Avatar
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    Re: Hatching Black Racers??????

    Quote Originally Posted by tspuckler View Post
    Actually yours is quite a bit nicer! I had to do some "creative posing" with mine, as one of her eyes was so badly damaged she couldn't see out of it and if you look closely, you can see her snout is "rough." Parts of her skin was that way as well. Yours looks good!

    She was quite the beauty... I hated to have to relocate her, but my neighbor HATES, make that HATE HATES snakes of all shapes forms and fashions.. so when we find them on his property we relocate them deep into the forest for him, as to save them. We also occasionally relocate the ones on our property, like the black rat snake that was in my chickens' nest boxes and has swallowed one egg and was working on number 2. Yeah I was NOT a happy person that day.. LoL, I mean I know they gotta eat, but he was 4.5ft long, he could have eaten any of the many ground squirrels, moles, rats, mice, baby bunnies, etc.. that roam my property.. but NOT my chicken eggs.. BAD SNAKE!!! MY FOOD!! He now happily resides in a cemetery far away with many vacant acres around it.. He seemed quite happy to slither off into the woods and make a new home.. LoL and I am sure the people there don't mind.

  4. #14
    "Preparing For First shed" Mom2Four's Avatar
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    Re: Hatching Black Racers??????

    Quote Originally Posted by jere000 View Post
    I wanna catch a black racer so bad but i can't find any of them.

    If you are anywhere near East TN, I would be more than happy to give you one, we don't have the acreage here to turn them all loose.. (also see post above about neighbor), that goes for anyone here close to TN that wants a racer.. I don't know anything about selling or shipping snakes but these must all find new homes, so if anyone has a home for one let me know..

  5. #15
    Juvenile snake jere000's Avatar
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    Re: Hatching Black Racers??????

    Quote Originally Posted by Mom2Four View Post
    If you are anywhere near East TN, I would be more than happy to give you one, we don't have the acreage here to turn them all loose.. (also see post above about neighbor), that goes for anyone here close to TN that wants a racer.. I don't know anything about selling or shipping snakes but these must all find new homes, so if anyone has a home for one let me know..
    Darn i live in new york and cant pay for the shipping.But if you want you can still send some to populate my yard lol.

  6. #16
    "Preparing For First shed" Mom2Four's Avatar
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    Re: Hatching Black Racers??????

    Quote Originally Posted by jere000 View Post
    Darn i live in new york and cant pay for the shipping.But if you want you can still send some to populate my yard lol.

    LoL, well shipping might be an issue, but when if my brother came in for leave during hatching time, I could send one back to Maryland with him.

  7. #17
    "Preparing For First shed" Mom2Four's Avatar
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    Re: Hatching Black Racers??????

    Ok, so here is the morning update. The one with the hole in the egg (picture above) is still alive and STILL in his egg. I made the hole a bit bigger without rupturing the membrane inside the egg, he moves, he wiggles, and he snuggles up and stays put, the yolk is still in amazing shape, so I am thinking they just aren't quite there yet. I had the privilege of seeing his cute little head through the membrane this morning though and OMGosh they are going to be sooo nicely marked.. Juvenile racers are quite handsome snakes anyway.. very patterned.

    Mom2Four in TN **PATIENTLY WAITING*** :P

  8. #18
    matris ut plures Mommy2many's Avatar
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    Re: Hatching Black Racers??????

    Breathe, Mom, Breathe! Still in labor?
    Le Ann

    "Research shows that if you're afraid of spiders, you are more likely to find one in your bedroom. I'm really afraid of Johnny Depp."

  9. #19
    "Preparing For First shed" Mom2Four's Avatar
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    Re: Hatching Black Racers??????

    Ok, so here is the quick update and then I will post pictures later. The egg in the picture above with the hole, Mr. Snakey poked his head out, but then died, he was still too young, skin still tacky and just a wee bit translucent from about cloaca down. The eggs that were leaking have sealed off and are still doing marvelously. Two days ago started noticing fruit flies getting all in the box, so changed the sand, and towels, etc.. Last night, noticed still flies, and foul smell, noticed one egg much smaller, upon exam noted it had a fairly large hole in it and the smell was coming from it. Decided whatever was inside was no longer alive, so I opened it up. Snake still in good shape, but his brain and kidneys were on the OUTSIDE of his body.. (will post pictures below) sooo anyway, from the two snakes I have seen they are just not ready to hatch yet, one obviously had birth defects, the other just needed another week or two in his egg... soooooooo here I am still waiting for the other 18 to hatch, which at this time, appear to be in AWESOME condition..

  10. #20
    "Preparing For First shed" Mom2Four's Avatar
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    Re: Hatching Black Racers??????

    Here is the first little guy that hatched to early.. (my fault, he was in a leaky egg, and like someone mentioned, I opened the egg a bit, for a few days we watched him wiggle through the membrane, and then he stuck his head out.. but he wasn't ready yet.. )

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