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  1. #11
    "Preparing For Third shed" Rushthezeppelin's Avatar
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    Jul 2015
    Country: United States

    Re: Found these two cuties on Sunday (Storeria dekayi?)

    Other snakes don't smell like worms (unless they are eating one of course) so it's perfectly fine. These guys live together under cover all the time in the wild. Just supervise or separate for feeding and everything will be gravy.

  2. #12
    "Third shed In Progress"
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Country: Canada

    Re: Found these two cuties on Sunday (Storeria dekayi?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jenjen79 View Post
    That's really cool that they can live together! Any precautions I should take before introducing them?
    My garter is big in comparison, I'm afraid he will mistake them for worms!
    I would just feed them separately to minimize risk as garters can be aggressive feeders and a brown would not be too hard for a garter to swallow. Personally I only have a runty male garter kept with my browns who is around the same size as them, I also have slightly smaller redbellied snakes with them as well. Redbellied and Browns seem to prefer slugs much more than worms in my experience while the opposite is true for garters.

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