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Thread: heat

  1. #11
    Moderator adamanteus's Avatar
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    Re: heat

    Of course you can get dimmer-stats, so the light reduces rather than goes off. I've never tried them though, I'm quite happy with my underfloor heating system.

  2. #12
    "PM Boots For Custom Title"
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    Re: heat

    i have a constant heat mat that stays on 24/7 and a bulb that is on between 7am 9pm

  3. #13
    Subadult snake Ameivaboy's Avatar
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    Re: heat

    Quote Originally Posted by adamanteus View Post
    You guys who use light bulbs to heat your vivs; How do you regulate the temperature when the temps outside the viv fluctuate? How do you warm the viv during really cold nights? What precautions do you take to prevent your snakes coming into contact with the bulb and frying?
    the only way I regulate things is if the house gets too warm I just shut the lights off. but generally I dont need to do that as I use spot bulbs which only heat the predesignated basking spot.

    As far as night temps I never worry about it as my climate is (somewhat) remniscent of the species I keep

    as far as bulb contact, I had 2 males in a cage where the bulb was openely exposed and they could have came in contact with it, but they never even showed any interest in it whatsoever (besides basking under it) I am not an advocate of bulb guards because really they can get just as hot as the bulb itself and being more of a lizard keeper I know how animals can get caught up in these things.

    Now back to heat, I use bulbs because i think it's more natural for garters to receive heat from above with a brightly illuminated basking area as they are avid baskers compared to say a kingsnake who may warm up by hiding under a sun warmed log or rock,

    James you said your garters use the heat pads under a flourscent light as a baskign spot?? I'm just curious if you have ever offered them a choice
    flourescent/w heat pad or a heat light area, my presumption is the garters would prefer the more illuminated spot, maybe ill play around with that theory

  4. #14
    Subadult snake Ameivaboy's Avatar
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    Re: heat

    oh, i just wanted to add something about thermostats, go pulse proportional, they are the way to go, instead of the on/off that *cheaper* ones have pulse proportianal thermostats adjust the flow of energy so the temperature is more consistant and there's no on/off issue
    though they are expensive, but hard to beat

  5. #15
    Moderator adamanteus's Avatar
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    Re: heat

    Quote Originally Posted by Ameivaboy View Post
    James I'm just curious if you have ever offered them a choice
    Over the years I have heated and illuminated in all sorts of ways and combinations. I guess I've settled on the one that works best for me.

  6. #16
    Moderator adamanteus's Avatar
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    Re: heat

    Quote Originally Posted by Ameivaboy View Post
    oh, i just wanted to add something about thermostats, go pulse proportional, they are the way to go, instead of the on/off that *cheaper* ones have pulse proportianal thermostats adjust the flow of energy so the temperature is more consistant and there's no on/off issue
    though they are expensive, but hard to beat
    I like that idea, Kevin. How expensive is "expensive"?

  7. #17
    Subadult snake Ameivaboy's Avatar
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    Re: heat

    there's helix and herpstats that are good choices and go for around $100 USD They can handle a lot higher wattages than "pet store" versions as well and you can buy a night temp drop cord for the helix and i beleive herpstat has one built in (i think herpstat is a lil more expensive)

  8. #18
    Moderator adamanteus's Avatar
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    Re: heat

    I use a vario-stat, which allows different temperatures at different times of day, which you pre-set yourself. Thus allowing for the night time temperature drop but maintaining control. Same kind of thing I guess?

  9. #19
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: heat

    I like the idea of the light replicating seasonal cycles pretty accurately and have thought of finding some kind of light sensor that can keep the lighting in synch with the outside light. I can't imagine that the technology is all that expensive, because there's the night-lights with light sensors that turn on when the light goes below a certain level. For my purposes I just need the opposite response and the sensor needs to be in a different location (outside or at least by the window)
    I think the pricey part is to get it gradual
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

  10. #20
    Brother Snake GarterGuy's Avatar
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    Re: heat

    Quote Originally Posted by adamanteus View Post
    Doesn't it bother you, the light going on and off with the thermostat, Roy?
    Not addition to the heat lamps, I have full spectrum fluorescent bulbs on the it just kind of lights up the basking spot and such, but the tank doesn't go dark afterwards. The thermostats do probably shorten the life of the bulbs, but honestly I probably only have to replace bulbs maybe three to four times a it's not really that much of a hassle.
    0.1 T.s.pallidulus

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