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  1. #11
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    Re: Richard's new enclosure project

    Quote Originally Posted by De Foezel View Post
    if i understand u right u wont be using space in the enclosements
    but rather u would add a "room" to your enclosures?
    sounds very nice but hard to do....

    No, not exactly what I mean. I do not wish to make compartments or rooms in the 55 gallon. I want a small portion of one end, with a fiberglass/poleyester resin feature to contain water and hide the pump. Sort of like a little waterfall you see for use in the home. Natural or natural-looking, but self contained and removable. AND I want a cork bark background or something similar. Think of it this way:

    A fountain of sorts with it's own water supply contained and circulating in one unit on the very end of the 55 long tank. Perhaps some tropical plants and/or air plants near that end. The rest of the tank will be a traditional dry substrate such as reptibark, wood, and a large basking area, plastic plants. Plenty of hides/basking spots of varying temperatures. I think I can accomplish that much with the space I have in this one tank. Perhaps only 4 adult concinnus in there. That will leave a separate 20 gal long tank for a couple adult ordinioides and another 20 gallon long for concinnus/ordinoides babies later this year.

    Amy will remain in her 10 gallon, and receive a future mate to stay with her. That should hold me over for about another year. No matter how it works out, I cannot afford to keep more, and I don't have the space for more tanks. All these tanks will fit in my humble bedroom. I like to sleep in the same room with my snakes. The sound of them moving around early in the morning or after dark, soothes me. Besides that, I will be alerted to any foul odors that are an inevitable occurrence, so I can deal with them immediately. I, like my garter snakes, seem to sleep better and have a more active day if the temperature in the room drops to a low in the 60's (F) in the early morning hours.

    As you can see, one 20 gallon tank can sit on top of my new 55 gallon project and still leave plenty of open top space for air/lights. The florescent light fixture on the right end can hold 3 X 18 inch bulbs. Lighting will be flexible and I will adjust as the project progresses. I might end up using full spectrum basking spot lights on the warm end, florescent on the waterfall/plant end. We'll see. I am flexible.

    I plan to manufacture a way to lift that 20 gallon an inch or two,
    so air can circulate under it too, even while it's on top of the 55 gallon. the left end will be the hotspot/basking area. the entire top of the enclosure will be sturdy heat/corrosion resistant metal screen top with hinged doors where I need them. Already ordered it. you'll see. It's a brilliant plan if I do say so myself.
    Last edited by ConcinusMan; 05-02-2010 at 02:43 AM.

  2. #12
    Old and wise snake charles parenteau's Avatar
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    Re: Richard's new enclosure project

    Very interresting those moss ...

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Re: Richard's new enclosure project

    Some of them can be very difficult to grow but they look good dead too.

  4. #14
    "Preparing For First shed" De Foezel's Avatar
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    Re: Richard's new enclosure project

    i dont know about those perticular ferns.
    but i once read something about ferns that it could possibly cause breathing problems
    this is because they have no seeds but spores on the lower side of the leaves( like a mushroom) these fall of when something strokes the leaf or when fully ripe
    a spore is just like a seed but in miniature
    i would think about putting them in your viv for 2 or 3 times
    or at least look up some info

  5. #15
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    Re: Richard's new enclosure project

    The fern doesn't bother me. I think the spores are too big to cause an issue. It's a licorice fern in case you're wondering.

    I did notice however, that one of the moss types (spores) does bother me. makes my throat itch fiercely. I think I'll not be using that one.

  6. #16
    "Preparing For First shed" De Foezel's Avatar
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    Re: Richard's new enclosure project

    ok so u do take that into account......
    then i geuss itl be ok

  7. #17
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    Re: Richard's new enclosure project

    I threw some of the elements together just to give everyone a rough idea what I had in mind. This is by no means complete and I'm not keeping snakes in it yet.(they're just posing for the pics) Screen top scheduled to arrive on FRI. The area to the right with the fern will feature a small pool of water and a trickling waterfall as soon as I build it. Also, I'll probably have a natural or natural looking background of rock or bark and some moss and stuff on that. Lighting will be better too when complete. Tank is 48'' long, 12'' deep, 18'' high. The moss, licorice fern, and a few plants to be added later, are alive. Substrate will be deeper and is made of fir bark and coconut fiber.

  8. #18
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: Richard's new enclosure project

    It's a nice setup.

  9. #19
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    Re: Richard's new enclosure project

    Thanks. It'll be even better when I get the waterfall built and the background in! I'll need to add a few hides too of course. I think with this one I'll be putting a large undertank heater vertically on the left end. Oh, and maybe some patches of dead moss attached to the log.

    Depending on what level of humidity I end up with, I might have to add a 120mm or larger exhaust fan but we'll see.

  10. #20
    matris ut plures Mommy2many's Avatar
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    Re: Richard's new enclosure project

    I like the moss but what about buggies? Do you get those with the moss? Anytime I use natural plants, I always seem to end up with these little white bugs. Another reason to "bake/microwave" my wood.
    Le Ann

    "Research shows that if you're afraid of spiders, you are more likely to find one in your bedroom. I'm really afraid of Johnny Depp."

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