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Thread: Hello All.

  1. #11
    "Preparing For First shed" Beautifylgirl's Avatar
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    Re: Hello All.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gijs & Sabine View Post
    Welcome to this site, Brittany.
    I also think it's a fitchi, but it's definitly a very nice looking snake


    Does anyone know the specific areas these snakes are found in? I'm looking on the internet but I can't find what I'm looking for and my mind is a little blank for the words I'm looking for. I would really love to find out more about them.

    Nevermind that question above because I found some information. I do live in Western Washington. I would love it if someone could explain the differences to me, possibly in pictures of these two definitions.( sources from eNature: FieldGuides: Species Detail )
    This is what I think 'it' is. ( I just wonder if these are ever found in Western Washington.)
    Valley (T. s. fitchi), brown or dark gray with well-defined back stripe, top of head black; c. and n. California (except area noted for California population of Red-spotted), nw. Nevada, sw. and e. Oregon, Idaho, nc. Utah, w. Montana, and Washington east of the Cascades through British Columbia to se. Alaska.

    or here is the Puget Sound Garter

    Puget Sound (T. s. pickeringii), resembles Red-spotted, except back stripe largely confined to 1 scale row instead of 2 and top of head dark; Vancouver Island, adjacent coastal sw. British Columbia and w. Washington.

    Thank you everyone!
    Last edited by Beautifylgirl; 11-15-2006 at 01:11 PM. Reason: I found the answer to one of my questions. Now I opened pandora's box and have even MORE questions ;)

  2. #12
    Former Moderator Cazador's Avatar
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    Re: Hello All.

    As far as describing its range, I always refer to The Garter Snakes Evolution and Ecology by Douglas Rossman et al. Perhaps there's an easier source out there somewhere? Secondly, I'd just like to say, "WooHoo." T.s. fitchi... Score!!!

  3. #13
    "Preparing For First shed" Beautifylgirl's Avatar
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    Re: Hello All.

    When I get home later I'll try to get my husband to get some pictures of 'it's tail area to have you all tell me whether we're male or female. I say female only because of the size (2 or 2.5 feet, gonna measure that too) . My sister in law named it MR. Snake so either way the name is staying but I would also like to know the sex. As you can see from my other pictures already posted it's a rather large snake ( atleast to me) because the picure here...
    is in a 46 gallon aquarium.

    Thanks everyone, you are all very helpful!

  4. #14
    Thamnophis Addict Sid's Avatar
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    Re: Hello All.

    Welcome Brittany, I agreed with the other forum members. Both your new pet and the set-up look great.


  5. #15
    "Preparing For First shed" Beautifylgirl's Avatar
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    Re: Hello All.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cazador View Post
    Now THAT, I can help you with. Post a couple of good, close-up pictures of it's tail/vent area. One from the side, and another from above (dorsal view). It would be most helpful if he/she were suspended in the pictures.
    Alright, now I have one view of the picture ( this kid is wiggly) that came out pretty well. The others I'll work on getting later, I think it's done for the night for handling.


  6. #16
    Former Moderator Cazador's Avatar
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    Re: Hello All.

    My initial impression is that it's a female. The tail tapers down pretty quickly after the vent, but unfortunately the shadow on the outside of the curve obscures a clear call. The hemipenes would be pressed toward the outside edge, causing a bulge in the shadowy area, if it were a male. I'll wait to see the other photos before making a confident call. A picture with the point-of-view right in the center of the divided scales (without curvature) would be ideal. Anyone else?

  7. #17
    Brother Snake GarterGuy's Avatar
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    Re: Hello All.

    Eh, I wouldn't even touch this one yet. If there is any taper it's really slight and like Cazador stated, it's rather tough to tell from the pic. I know my female T.s.concinnus tapers a lot more severly then that. Definitely more pics needed. If I had to lean on way or the other though....I'd go with female.....also due to the fact of "her" size.

  8. #18
    Mr Thamnophis ssssnakeluvr's Avatar
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    Re: Hello All.

    I'm gonna say a female on this one....

  9. #19
    "Preparing For First shed" Beautifylgirl's Avatar
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    Re: Hello All.

    Okay, I'll try to get some more when I get home. I had quite a few more attempts to get pictures. Unfortunatly my husband doesn't like to handle snakes so he had to take pictures, which in the end came up really fuzzy but I should be able to get more tonight. Thanks.

  10. #20
    "Preparing For First shed" Beautifylgirl's Avatar
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    Talking Re: Hello All.

    FINALLY! Does anyone know how hard it is to get a snake to sit still for a picture?? well I guess everyone does, but for anyone who doesn't.... Its HARD! they keep squiggling all over the place. Anyway here is the long awaited picture. I hope this one is a good enough view. I got it right before it moved again..

    and now we await the final verdict.


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