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  1. #11
    Old and wise snake KITKAT's Avatar
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    Re: Sick concinnus babies... and sexing...

    So far so good... I used a diabetic insulin syringe and put the TINIEST drop of frontline on them possible. I do not have access to the spray, so am using the TOP SPOT, which is not what was indicated in the stuff I was reading online, so one might say I decided to experiment.

    Both babies are still fine... no CNS symptoms, no sign of the top spot having bothered them.

    I also used top spot on my male bearded dragon, to no ill effect, and plan to tx the female tonight.

    I have not checked the ordinoides yet, but do have to say that before they left quarantine I had bathed them and found nothing... but may frontline them as well, since it seems to be going OK in terms of not bothering them.

    Now I will have to wait until after the holiday before I have time to check again for mites and see what we achieved.
    "Acts of kindness should never be random."

  2. #12
    Old and wise snake KITKAT's Avatar
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    Re: Sick concinnus babies... and sexing...

    Female BEFORE frontline top spot:

    Female AFTER...

    Male Before...

    Male after...

    Now I will treat with flagyl and in a week I will post results...
    "Acts of kindness should never be random."

  3. #13
    Thamnophis Addict Sid's Avatar
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    Re: Sick concinnus babies... and sexing...

    Both of the babie look much better KitKat. I'm sure that under your care they will be fine.


  4. #14
    Dutch, bold and Thamnophis-crazy Thamnophis's Avatar
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    Re: Sick concinnus babies... and sexing...

    Thatīs quite a difference!!!
    It is always advisable to be a loser if you cannot become a winner. Frank Zappa

  5. #15
    Old and wise snake KITKAT's Avatar
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    Unhappy Re: Sick concinnus babies... and sexing...

    Lost one over New Year's holiday. I was gone from Dec 30 in the morning til Jan 1st in the evening... when I came home, one of them was dead.

    I did give flagyl, but think it was too little, too late, for the one baby.

    I will still post new pics of the survivor in a few days.
    "Acts of kindness should never be random."

  6. #16
    Former Moderator Cazador's Avatar
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    Re: Sick concinnus babies... and sexing...

    I was just wondering how they were doing earlier today. I suspect that you've already raised the temperature to the upper 80s to give their immune system a boost, haven't you? I'm pulling for that other little dude. Best,

    P.S. I hope their feces looks good. Mine had watery feces with nematodes, and three weeks of treatment with Panacur (Fenbendazole) took care of it.

  7. #17
    Brother Snake GarterGuy's Avatar
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    Re: Sick concinnus babies... and sexing...

    Sorry to hear that you lost one of your little T.s.concinnus

  8. #18
    Dutch, bold and Thamnophis-crazy Thamnophis's Avatar
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    Re: Sick concinnus babies... and sexing...

    Bad news!
    Hope the other one does better.
    It is always advisable to be a loser if you cannot become a winner. Frank Zappa

  9. #19
    Old and wise snake KITKAT's Avatar
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    Unhappy Re: Sick concinnus babies... and sexing...

    Well... thanks for the good wishes and the various advice... but I lost the second one yesterday.

    I was thinking he was getting better, as he looked better and was eating very well... I'm sad.

    At least my T ordinoides are still doing well!
    "Acts of kindness should never be random."

  10. #20
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: Sick concinnus babies... and sexing...

    Really sorry to hear that. I guess the damage was already done.

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