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  1. #11
    Old and wise snake
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    Re: This Is The Reason Why I Rescue :(

    Quote Originally Posted by drache View Post
    don't know what to say, Natalie
    sad, angry, furious, depressed . . . that tank is totally disgusting
    I don't get people - most of them
    they don't get me either and from time to time some kind soul even feels called upon to give me glowing reports of psych meds and how much better I'd feel . . .
    I bet your cop guy anal sphincter is perfectly well adjusted
    Be leave me if i could his anal sphincter would be WELL adjusted to my size 9 1/2 shoe!!! than my husbands size 14 shoe..
    Thanks, ~*Natalie*~

  2. #12
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: This Is The Reason Why I Rescue :(

    I would file small claims, and make him pay for the euthansia...

    It would also bring this out in the open. (press loves this kinda story)

    Very understandable how you feel, the crack ho that we rescued Cain from (I saw her in a grocery store) said "We're getting another snake"

    I wanted to pop her one right there!

  3. #13
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: This Is The Reason Why I Rescue :(

    I'm so sorry Natalie. I know how traumatic this was for you... that poor poor animal. Just know that you saved her-- you saved her from suffering further and living in those conditions. That's why you rescue-- to help them, even if that help comes in the form of euthanasia.
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  4. #14
    Forum Moderator aSnakeLovinBabe's Avatar
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    Re: This Is The Reason Why I Rescue :(

    I am absolutely disgusted. I have to deal with some cruddy people... but I don't think I have come across any that treated their snakes THAT bad, yet.... That guy deserves.... well, I really can't say on this forum!!
    I cant beleive he did not attempt to clean that up before giving you the snake!!!

    I recently took on my own rescue as well, not in near as bad shape... but still a sufferer. A lad came into my store with a take out container full of dirty water and rotten lettuce and feces... little did I know there was a "painted turtle" in there too. It turned out it was actually an EASTERN BOX turtle... a hatchling, she found it crawling in her yard, assumed it was a painted, and was keeping it in this container FULL (2 inches deep) of water for a week and a half with NOWHERE to get out! She was "feeding" it lettuce. I basically told her on the spot that she had done a terrible thing and she left the turtle with me, quite embarrased. She had never changed the water so a bunch of slimy rotten lettuce was in there. He's doing alright now... on dry land and eating a nightcrawler tail right out of my hand every day. I really dont know how he did not drown... I'm sorry your rescue did not end up happy, but at least you tried... it's the success stories that make it worthwhile.

    Mother of many snakes and a beautiful baby girl! I am also a polymer clay artist!

  5. #15
    In Hog Heaven
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    Re: This Is The Reason Why I Rescue :(

    Oh, Natalie... I can see why you hurt, cry and are so upset. I am so sorry. Your way is not easy, but I'm so glad there are people like you out there.

    Thank you for the pain you suffer in your goodness. Bless you.
    2.0 NY Eastern Garters; Peepers, Jeepers
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  6. #16
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Snake lover 3-25's Avatar
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    Re: This Is The Reason Why I Rescue :(

    so sad i hate people.

    awwwww congrats on rescuing the turtle shannon!!!! SOOOO cute
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  7. #17
    Old and wise snake
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    Re: This Is The Reason Why I Rescue :(

    awww hes a BEAUTIFUL little turtle.. We cant keep EBT's here they are as of 4 years ago protected unless for rehabilitation..
    Thanks, ~*Natalie*~

  8. #18
    Forum Moderator aSnakeLovinBabe's Avatar
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    Re: This Is The Reason Why I Rescue :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Charlet_2007 View Post
    awww hes a BEAUTIFUL little turtle.. We cant keep EBT's here they are as of 4 years ago protected unless for rehabilitation..
    I am sad that I don't know where he was born so that he could be released, as I am sure you know EBT's are born and stay within a certain range, and if they are removed from it and released, they will navigate back to it and usually get killed by a car or predator in the process. It's also too cold now for him to be released... look's like he's holed up with me for a while until I see my friend from another state who will take him from there!
    Mother of many snakes and a beautiful baby girl! I am also a polymer clay artist!

  9. #19
    "Preparing For Fourth shed" Aundrea's Avatar
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    Re: This Is The Reason Why I Rescue :(

    OMG That is so damn sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet that damn cop's house is sooo nice and clean!!! That is just so ummmmmmmmm messed up. I cant say a bad word LOL. You did whats best for the snake and you did rescued him. You did a good thing!!

    Shannon OMG That EBT is so cute!!!!!!!!! I cant believe hes still ALIVE from being in that water for sooooo long!!!! UGH Im glad you have him now
    1 Ball Python Spenser
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  10. #20
    "First shed, A Success" Lexa's Avatar
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    Re: This Is The Reason Why I Rescue :(

    It's so wonderful of you both to rescue them! There's no excuse for treating an animal like that - you're great people!

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