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Thread: help please!

  1. #11
    Never shed Snake_Freak's Avatar
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    Re: help please!

    maar hj houd zijn kop ook de hele tijd een klein beetje scheef en dat is normaal niet zo

  2. #12
    Truieneer, e ras apoat Snaky's Avatar
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    Re: help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Snake_Freak View Post
    nee hij reageerd nauwelijks als ik hem hanteer en normaal laat ik hem gewoon met rust dus als ik hem dan hanteer dan wil hij perse weg en nu is dat niet het geval

    maar hj houd zijn kop ook de hele tijd een klein beetje scheef en dat is normaal niet zo
    He barely reacts if I handle him and usually I leave him be. So if I used to handle him he just wants to flee and this is not the case now.

    He also keeps his head a bit sideways, which is normally not the case.

    Does it seems like he has a congestion/ does he has a bult or something like that?

    I can't say that I know the behaviour, but would still do my first advice to see a vet if you have the possibility...

  3. #13
    Never shed Snake_Freak's Avatar
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    Re: help please!

    no he doenst have anything abnormal at his body i checked its really odd behavior and he doest go up anymore it is if he cant do that and yesterday when i noticed this i immediatley put him in an other enclosure away from the other two in is enclosure and when i tried to feed him a fish he just sucked the moist offthe fish so i held his head close to water and he drinked for alomst 1 minute could that be the cause of this dehydration??

  4. #14
    The red side of life. zooplan's Avatar
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    Re: help please!

    You should visit a vet as early as possible.
    Iīm quiet sure that your snake is ill.
    I donīt want to guess what it is because that wonīt help, but is serious!
    Allready waiting for the sommer
    best wishes bis bald Udo
    Breeding Redsides EGSA-Chairman

  5. #15
    Truieneer, e ras apoat Snaky's Avatar
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    Re: help please!

    It's possible, I've not had a dehydrated snake before that I know off. Does he has a water bowl at his enclosure all the time? If he has, it would be very strange if it's dehydration If it's dehydration, I would suspect that he would get better quite soon if he drinks that much. Of course, make sure that he has easy access to water, but I think you've probably that covered.

  6. #16
    The red side of life. zooplan's Avatar
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    Re: help please!

    dehydration of an adult snake would take some weeks untill the effects are as serious as written.
    Allready waiting for the sommer
    best wishes bis bald Udo
    Breeding Redsides EGSA-Chairman

  7. #17
    Moderator adamanteus's Avatar
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    Re: help please!

    I would recommend that you visit a specialist vet as soon as possible. The situation does not sound good. What type of fish have you been feeding him?

  8. #18
    "PM Boots For Custom Title"
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    Re: help please!

    i think everyone is right you should see a vet asap

  9. #19
    Never shed Snake_Freak's Avatar
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    Re: help please!

    than i will go to a vet
    i will keep you updated thank you all for your advice

    grtz snake

  10. #20
    Never shed Snake_Freak's Avatar
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    the Netherlands, Reuver
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    Re: help please!

    hello i just discovered a really small bult in the middle of of my snake i really dont know what it is and i will go visit a vet

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