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  1. #1381
    "Preparing For Second shed" Snakeknot's Avatar
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    Southeastern York Co. Pa.
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    re: Other pets (pics and discussions)

    Introducing Captain Jack Sparrow, our new kitten we added to our menagarie around Christmas. When he arrived, he had a raging case of diarrehea from the worst case of coccidia that our vets had ever seen. (Which is why he became a barn cat and not a house cat! ) We just got that problem licked. Albon is a wonderful drug!

    The entire time he's been scampering around like he was jet propelled! ( Most of the time, he was! ) The two older, barn cats are miffed that they have to share their living quarters with him even though he gets locked up every night. But they are getting over it slowly. I just caught our fantastic huntress Checkers, instigating a play session with him this morning. Overall he's affectionate, a chatterbox and not afraid of nothin'! This morning when I was trying to get some better pics of him from the open doorway of the house, he darted inside! Now I have two groups of cats, one that are strictly indoors the others are strictly outdoors and the two groups never mix. He made for the first soft place he could find which happened to be the sheepskin on top of the couch. However, that was also where the 3 indoor cats who had never met him, were sacked out. Things got a little loud and fast after that!

    Sigh! Never a dull moment with a new kitten around!

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    Tools are weapons. Weapons are tools. Both are dangerous in the hands of fools.

  2. #1382
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    Country: United States

    re: Other pets (pics and discussions)

    I just don't think I could handle a cat bringing me a mangled snake. In fact, I know I couldn't. Last (and only) cat I had was when I was 7 and I hated her guts for that. It was her favorite thing to do, dragging mangled half-dead garter snakes and rabbits in the house and leaving them in the bed. I realize she was only showing her affection by doing so but still.

    You probably saved his life, getting rid of the coccidia like you did. That's very human of you. He is a pretty cat.

  3. #1383
    "Preparing For Second shed" Snakeknot's Avatar
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    Southeastern York Co. Pa.
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    re: Other pets (pics and discussions)

    So far, I've been lucky. No mangled snakes. Checkers brings me birds, mice, chipmunks, maybe a baby rabbit or two and lots and lots of headless squirrels ( they're nearly as big as she is! ) but no snakes. She's the best rodent exterminator I've ever seen. BUT I know she has her heart set on my big corn Draco. I can see her lick her lips whenever I bring him outside!

    Tools are weapons. Weapons are tools. Both are dangerous in the hands of fools.

  4. #1384
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    Country: United States

    re: Other pets (pics and discussions)

    Headless squirrels? holy crud. I wonder if perhaps something else is killing them and she just finds them and brings them home.

  5. #1385
    "Preparing For Second shed" Snakeknot's Avatar
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    re: Other pets (pics and discussions)

    Oh no, it was Checkers! Hubby and I sat on our upstairs porch one time and watched her chase a large squirrel up to the tippy top of a pine tree, up where the small branches are, all for the sheer crime of it cussing her out! Make no mistake, Checkers is a fearless squirrel killer! I just wish she'd quit leaving the bodies in the stallion's stall. He doesn't like the smell of death in there.

    Wanna cat that will kill mice??? Get a tortoise-shell any day!

    Tools are weapons. Weapons are tools. Both are dangerous in the hands of fools.

  6. #1386
    Pyrondenium Rose kibakiba's Avatar
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    re: Other pets (pics and discussions)

    My cat brings me live birds, mice, rabbits and snakes all the time. She lets them go in the house. We have a mouse infestation because of her. When she does it, sometimes I swear I just want to kick her(but I wouldn't). I hate seeing the blood all over the house (anything that has to do with blood makes me sick) and having to chase down whatever it is that she let go in the house.
    2.2.3 Thamnophis ordinoides Derpy Scales, Hades, Mama, Runt, Pumpkin, Azul, Spots
    (Rest in peace Snakey, Snap, Speckles, Silver, Ember and Angel.)

  7. #1387
    Join Date
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    Country: United States

    re: Other pets (pics and discussions)

    You know for sure they love you if they bring it home alive Chantel. But yeah, gross.

  8. #1388
    Pyrondenium Rose kibakiba's Avatar
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    re: Other pets (pics and discussions)

    Sometimes I think she hates me. Brings me live baby robins at 5-6 am in the summer and drops them on my bed. Dang things are louder than my alarm. Sometimes I think about shutting the window she goes in and out from before I go to bed... Darn cat can stay outside
    2.2.3 Thamnophis ordinoides Derpy Scales, Hades, Mama, Runt, Pumpkin, Azul, Spots
    (Rest in peace Snakey, Snap, Speckles, Silver, Ember and Angel.)

  9. #1389
    "Preparing For Second shed" Snakeknot's Avatar
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    Southeastern York Co. Pa.
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    re: Other pets (pics and discussions)

    Capt. Jack is a loudmouth! I swear one of his parents must have been a Siamese! He's now discovered that humans hide in the house so he sits on the doorstep and yowls until somebody pokes their head out to scream "SHUDDUP ya damn cat!" Then he does the "I'm so cute. Don't you wanna pick me up and cuddle me?" trill. I don't think he'll ever kill anything! He keeps telling the prey he's coming.

    Tools are weapons. Weapons are tools. Both are dangerous in the hands of fools.

  10. #1390
    "Second shed In Progress" Millinex's Avatar
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    Jun 2009
    Country: United States

    re: Other pets (pics and discussions)

    Built the above water monitor a new cage:

    7X4X4 is what it ended up being, should last me until I move houses where he will get a 12X8X6

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