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  1. #111
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Snake lover 3-25's Avatar
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    Re: Lori's snakes and such

    lol omg i'm gonna die laughing lol sorry bout your day lol omg

    so sorry to hare about curious.... hope he gets well soon........
    S h a n l e y
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  2. #112
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Loren's Avatar
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    Re: Lori's snakes and such

    Wow! Hang in there Lori. Take a few deep breaths and eat a bowl of ice cream. You deserve it.

  3. #113
    "Preparing For First shed"
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    Re: Lori's snakes and such

    Quote Originally Posted by Lori P View Post
    Oh, what a day....

    Then I go to DMV to renew my liscence. Which, after a 45 minute wait, they tell me they can't do without my birth certificate. I stared at the woman like she had two heads-- my birth certificate??? I don't even know where it is-- why would I? But ok, fine-- I call my mom. Luckily, she has it! I go to her house and get it out of her lock box....

    Go back to DMV.... wait in line for another 45 minutes or so... get up to the window... and they tell me they can't accept it. It's the wrong birth certificate. I **** you not. What I have was the one issued by the hospital... they need one issued by the state. My head started to spark. I started arguing that the one I have has a seal on it, it has my foot prints on it for pete's sake, it is my birth certificate.... it's not my fault it's not the one they want... and then the woman started arguing back that if I hadn't let my liscence expire, this wouldn't be an issue. And that's when I lost all ability to hold my tongue, and I am ashamed to admit that some very foul words flew out. My hubby (who had to drive me there, because, after all, I don't have a liscence now) actually pulled me away from the window.
    Wow... I hate to giggle at that, but I have had a similar experience at the DMV in Massachusetts. Went in with my Montana license to get it transferred to MA with my birth cert. and my social security card. After at least an hour I got the "I'm sorry, but you need proof of residence, something with your address on it." Went home, came back next week with a copy of my pay stub with my address on it. After another hour "I'm sorry, this doesn't count, it needs to be something like a rental agreement or utility payment." Of course it had to be something that I diddn't have cause I was living in the off house of a friends parents and just gave them a hundred a month for utilities hooked up to the property. I tried to explain this to them with no result, managed to keep from cursing at them, and promptly moved back to my home state of Washington where after a 5 minute wait in the deparement of licencing I got "Old licence and SS card or birth cert, stand here *flash* your new license will be in the mail in two weeks."

  4. #114
    In Hog Heaven
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    Re: Lori's snakes and such

    (first wipes coffee dripping from nose... gets paper towels - blows and wipes nose; cleans coffee off monitor and desk)

    From the mind-set presented, let me be the first to say, guess Jamie's happy place *isn't* where he professed... He had his chance and blew it.
    2.0 NY Eastern Garters; Peepers, Jeepers
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  5. #115
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: Lori's snakes and such

    Quote Originally Posted by adamanteus View Post
    Lori, you HAVE TO post that picture!
    Hell will freeze twice.

    Quote Originally Posted by jitami View Post
    Oh, Lori, I'm so sorry... I can't stop giggling, tho... again, I'm so sorry!!! If I couldn't relate it wouldn't be so funny. We had to do the same thing with my son for his permit........ But, by some miracle, my brother in law just happened to be there and got my son in line with him in the handicap line... yeah, pretty random, huh? Otherwise there was no way he would have been able to get processed and take his test before they closed. I had no idea my BIL would be there... how often do you just happen to run into a family member at the DMV? lol
    Omg.... well, given the amount of time we do spend at DMV when we have to go, I'm surprised we don't all just get together there for family dinners!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Loren View Post
    Wow! Hang in there Lori. Take a few deep breaths and eat a bowl of ice cream. You deserve it.
    Powdered sugar donuts. Half a bag. And, er, a few (ahem) Oreos... and btw, I LIED about my weight for my liscence!!! HA!! Take THAT DMV!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Garter_Gertie View Post
    (first wipes coffee dripping from nose... gets paper towels - blows and wipes nose; cleans coffee off monitor and desk)

    From the mind-set presented, let me be the first to say, guess Jamie's happy place *isn't* where he professed... He had his chance and blew it.
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  6. #116
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Loren's Avatar
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    Re: Lori's snakes and such

    Quote Originally Posted by Lori P View Post

    Powdered sugar donuts. Half a bag. And, er, a few (ahem) Oreos... and btw, I LIED about my weight for my liscence!!! HA!! Take THAT DMV!!!!

    Way to go!

    I'm gonna go get a steakhouse burger from bk now.

  7. #117
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: Lori's snakes and such

    Lori - you inspire me
    perhaps I will take on some bureaucrats in the near future
    after a bout with DMV and Social Security last year (the latter have bullet proof windows and for good reason), I haven't been willing to go to the German consulate, to get my passport renewed which expired a few years ago (can't afford to travel anyway)
    it's a huge mess, because my social security card and my driver's license don't have the same name as my passport and alien registration card, and on the latter, my signature isn't the same either, and of course that's the one I need to present to get out of jury duty
    and I don't suppose it'd be a good idea to just bring my driver's license and do jury duty - I'd be impersonating an American and that's probably a crime, wouldn't you think?
    oh man I just hate having to take care of that kind of stuff
    I am never letting that driver's license expire again, but I've already lost the damn social security card (disappeared after I'd taken it to DMV)
    there - now you all know the state of my filing system
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

  8. #118
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: Lori's snakes and such

    I'm soooo glad I'm not the only one!!!! Seriously-- who has time to worry about this stuff?? Is life not difficult enough already? When the cop told me I couldn't drive, it blew my mind-- so I can't drive because a piece of plastic which I've already owned for 20 some years has expired, so therefore I can't go to work, so therefore the government doesn't get to take taxes from me for that day, so therefore my tax dollars don't pay the cop that day....????
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  9. #119
    Mr Thamnophis ssssnakeluvr's Avatar
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    Re: Lori's snakes and such

    hehehe....when I moved to Utah, I went in to get my Utah license, had an Idaho license....guy at the counter said something about not being a Utah Jazz fan...I said I was a big fan, actually did tattoo work for one of the player's family....he said "great! now for the test, can you run a red light?" I said no, he said I passed and sent me to get my pic taken!!!!!

  10. #120
    Thamnophis inspectus Zephyr's Avatar
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    Re: Lori's snakes and such

    <<< Doesn't have to worry about the DMV. lol

    Being growed up sounds fun.
    0.1 Storeria dekayi
    Hoping to get some T. s. sirtalis High-Reds next summer!

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