Quote Originally Posted by Lori P View Post
Aaarrrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!! My second preggers mommy mouse-- she was HUGE, ready to pop any day-- died yesterday. Just... died. I found her lying in the tank when I got home. I can't fathom what happened!! These mice are very frustrating! It's become a challenge to me now-- I am determined to succeed at this...
Yes Lori, breeding mice can be frustrating. I have had problems too. They do great for a while, then I get streaks of infertility and sickness. I think my main problem is that I keep my reptile room a little too warm for mice.
As for introducing a new male- if your situation goes like all of my previous times- the females will kill him. Unless you introduce them to him, one at a time, over a few days, then you might be ok, but it sounds like you are down one female now anyways.