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  1. #101
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Pheobe my Eastern Garter

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs N1ntndo View Post
    Thanks again for the help on the suggestion for the lid. I was worried at first on what I would do and it worked perfect.
    Not a problem. Glad to help.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  2. #102
    Adult snake Mrs N1ntndo's Avatar
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    Re: Pheobe my Eastern Garter

    I forgot to tell you somthing else. I let go of the other babies and I let them go over by my house. THeres this wooded section by our house that also has a lake by it. So not only do they have a wide area to play and go on there on but theres fresh water out there too. I know theyll like it and I felt bad cause I wanted to keep them all but I couldnt cause of money, room, and laws. but I feel better now cause I know they will be fine.
    I wanted to Thank you Steve for your help with the heating pad.

    I have 4 Easterns(mine: Furbie and Whiplash; moms: Diamond and Silky) all are 5 and half months old. So much fun gaters are.

  3. #103
    Adult snake Mrs N1ntndo's Avatar
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    Re: Pheobe my Eastern Garter

    Quote Originally Posted by guidofatherof5 View Post
    Not a problem. Glad to help.
    Im glad theres people like you that can help cause I didnt know enough to take care of these cuties and I have to still learn more but I know enough now to get strted and you all better bet if I have another question I know where to go. This site Rocks!!!!!
    I wanted to Thank you Steve for your help with the heating pad.

    I have 4 Easterns(mine: Furbie and Whiplash; moms: Diamond and Silky) all are 5 and half months old. So much fun gaters are.

  4. #104
    Adult snake Mrs N1ntndo's Avatar
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    Re: Pheobe my Eastern Garter

    Well I got the pics on the computer that I took a couple days ago and I have to say that Im proud of these pics. I had read in a thread that a good way to get close up pics is to just take a lot and see what happens and I found out that the setting for close up things would work good. I have tried it before but I tried it a little differently this time and these are some of my results. I love these and these are awesome pics.I was bad at tongue shots but OMG this is awesome and I even got moore then this one.

    I think that she is tring to say cheese. she just got done with eating a big crawler.

    Another great tongue flick.

    This is right before finishing her worm

    THis is almost a once in a lifetime shot and this is deffinately my favorite pic that Ive ever taken.
    I wanted to Thank you Steve for your help with the heating pad.

    I have 4 Easterns(mine: Furbie and Whiplash; moms: Diamond and Silky) all are 5 and half months old. So much fun gaters are.

  5. #105
    Adult snake Mrs N1ntndo's Avatar
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    Re: Pheobe my Eastern Garter

    These are some of the 7 that I still kept. 5 are mine and 2 are my moms. She wants me to make sure they are eating good before she takes them. So you all know they are eating and everything is looking wonderful. I have hides in the babies tank now(just put awesome ones in today) but they still have the papertowel down on the bottom. I want to make sure there bigger before using anything ele. I hope you like these pics and dont worry I have a lot more I just want to put these on now cause its late/ its almost 4am here. But anyway these pics are taken right about feeding time.I hope that you will enjoy. i do.Oh and the date is wrong at the bottom of the pic. THese were taken on 7-3-2011

    I wanted to Thank you Steve for your help with the heating pad.

    I have 4 Easterns(mine: Furbie and Whiplash; moms: Diamond and Silky) all are 5 and half months old. So much fun gaters are.

  6. #106
    "Third shed, A Success" ScimitarX's Avatar
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    Re: Pheobe my Eastern Garter

    awesome pics, those babies are pretty

  7. #107
    I have a condition! RedSidedSPR's Avatar
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    Re: Pheobe my Eastern Garter

    Nice shots!! I've still never gotten agood toungue shot!

  8. #108
    Adult snake Mrs N1ntndo's Avatar
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    Re: Pheobe my Eastern Garter

    Thank you all. I like these pics a lot and Im glad that I got to show you Pheobe like I see her. The colors and everything cmae out soo well and thats what I was hopeing for.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedSidedSPR View Post
    Nice shots!! I've still never gotten agood toungue shot!
    Like I heard on other forum and Im sorry that I forgot who said it but you put your camera on the flower setting( the one for closeups) and I turn the flash part on cause it shows better but Im also inside so it helps. Also just keep ajusting the distance that you are away from your subject and the view up closer with the lens. I hadnt taken any good pics of the tongues until this batch of pics. Up until now they were all blurry. The same person who said how do do the pics also said ( and I very much for about every 10 pics you keep 30 will probably be deleted.
    I wanted to Thank you Steve for your help with the heating pad.

    I have 4 Easterns(mine: Furbie and Whiplash; moms: Diamond and Silky) all are 5 and half months old. So much fun gaters are.

  9. #109
    I have a condition! RedSidedSPR's Avatar
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    Re: Pheobe my Eastern Garter

    Trust me I know. I fill my memory card (200 pictures) every day, and only keep 20 or so. Their good, but have never gotten the toungue like that. Your "flower setting" is called macro. From my experience outside is better, the cameras shutter speed increases.

  10. #110
    Adult snake Mrs N1ntndo's Avatar
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    Re: Pheobe my Eastern Garter

    I would love to take pics of Pheobe outside but with her being a recent WILD catch she scoot away and quick. I fill my SD card a lot but its fun. I love taking random pics sometimes cause you dont know what to get. try this mode if you havent. I dont know what exactly its called but it takes 3 pics with just one push of the button. I love that one too .
    Im hoping that since these babies are going to be with me from the start that when they get older i can take them outside for pics. I would like to try to be in the contest for this month but I cant cause I cant take Pheobe out and just set her down.
    Any suggestions to how I would do this with her? I can take her out which I do but I cant just set her down. Its quite a bummer. 1 of the babies I might name Pozer cause I swear that when Im taking pics of the babies he/she tilts their head like a dog saying" what you doing" and does that all the time as if he/she was posing for pics. Its cut. I have a blurry one of that which i will show you and its cute.

    This is Pozer posing for the camera which he/she always does. Its cute
    I wanted to Thank you Steve for your help with the heating pad.

    I have 4 Easterns(mine: Furbie and Whiplash; moms: Diamond and Silky) all are 5 and half months old. So much fun gaters are.

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