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  1. #91
    It's all about the Fuzzies jitami's Avatar
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    Re: Aquarists, UNITE!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zephyr View Post
    Let me just state... It wasn't a fun experience. lol
    But you still had to try it again

    Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
    from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.

  2. #92
    Forum Moderator aSnakeLovinBabe's Avatar
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    Re: Aquarists, UNITE!!!

    sorry to hear about your loss Shanley...

    Although, I would not recommend adding another fish to that tank, looks like you have a 1 gallon tank. Even one goldfish is too much for 1 gallon of water. The proper ratio is 2 gallons of water (with a filter also) per every inch of goldfish you own... that includes their tail. That is the very least... more gallons per inch is even better. and all goldfish get wayyyy over an inch in size. My recommendation would be to move your remaining fish to a larger tank that has at least 5 gallons on water in it. I would change out a really good bit of the water and cut down on the food also. It's never a good sign when there is food left over at the top of a goldfish's tank... between the ammonia he is putting out, and the ammonia the food puts out as it rots, it can turn into a deadly situation overnight for the fish. Feed only once per day... if that. fish are like reptiles, they don't need to eat every day and will thrive if fed every other day provided you give them balanced and proper nutrition. This is especially important when keeping a goldfish in such a confined space, seeing as they put off the motherload of ammonia, and all that surplus food is going right through his tummy and out the other end. You may still want to medicate your remaining goldfish, since melafix is an all natural remedy, it will not hurt. Also use some aquarium salt, that helps to increase the fish's natural resistance to pathogens. Fish are especially susceptible to disease because the confined bit of water they live in is very effective in spreading it everywhere. If you have to move your goldfish for any reason right now, I recommend taking your clean wet hands and scooping him up that way instead of a net. Nets often slightly damage the slime coating on your fish and that can lead to a weakness in the immune system, and then sequentially, illness.

    I care for the fish department of my store, and since I started doing it... our fish are thriving! And way less people are getting away with overpopulating their tanks,mixing tropical and coldwater species, and putting other fish besides bettas in unfiltered, un'aerated water because i won't allow them to do it
    Mother of many snakes and a beautiful baby girl! I am also a polymer clay artist!

  3. #93
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Snake lover 3-25's Avatar
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    Re: Aquarists, UNITE!!!

    Although, I would not recommend adding another fish to that tank, looks like you have a 1 gallon tank. Even one goldfish is too much for 1 gallon of water. The proper ratio is 2 gallons of water (with a filter also) per every inch of goldfish you own... that includes their tail. That is the very least... more gallons per inch is even better. and all goldfish get wayyyy over an inch in size. My recommendation would be to move your remaining fish to a larger tank that has at least 5 gallons on water in it.
    yeah i know lol that was just temporary lol the other fish the ones that hurt him in the first place are in the 20 gal behind it lol

    If you have to move your goldfish for any reason right now, I recommend taking your clean wet hands and scooping him up that way instead of a net. Nets often slightly damage the slime coating on your fish and that can lead to a weakness in the immune system, and then sequentially, illness.
    really???? never would have guessed!!!!

    I would change out a really good bit of the water and cut down on the food also. It's never a good sign when there is food left over at the top of a goldfish's tank... between the ammonia he is putting out, and the ammonia the food puts out as it rots, it can turn into a deadly situation overnight for the fish. Feed only once per day... if that. fish are like reptiles, they don't need to eat every day and will thrive if fed every other day provided you give them balanced and proper nutrition. This is especially important when keeping a goldfish in such a confined space, seeing as they put off the motherload of ammonia, and all that surplus food is going right through his tummy and out the other end.
    yup lol the pic was taken just after i put the food in....... i scooped out any excess.....

    You may still want to medicate your remaining goldfish, since melafix is an all natural remedy, it will not hurt. Also use some aquarium salt, that helps to increase the fish's natural resistance to pathogens. Fish are especially susceptible to disease because the confined bit of water they live in is very effective in spreading it everywhere.
    ok i'll get some and do just that how often can i do this just to keep them up in good shape????
    S h a n l e y
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  4. #94
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: Aquarists, UNITE!!!

    Random comment:

    Everytime I see this thread, I think of the t shirt I used to have:

    "Dyslexics! UNTIE!!" LOLOL
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  5. #95
    Old and wise snake
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    Re: Aquarists, UNITE!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Snake lover 3-25 View Post
    yup..... it's a shame...... but i'll def. go to the store and get some of that melafix...... just in case...... how much does it usually run???
    last night bought some for mine 6.54.. so about 7.00.. mine has pop eye and i dont know how they got it.. they get a 50% water change every week.. WEIRD.. try cleaning out a 380 every week lol
    Thanks, ~*Natalie*~

  6. #96
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Snake lover 3-25's Avatar
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    Re: Aquarists, UNITE!!!

    that must be a pain in the butt!!!!! i'll get right on that..... soon as i find someone to take me
    S h a n l e y
    1.3 eastern garters
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  7. #97
    In Hog Heaven
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    Re: Aquarists, UNITE!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lori P View Post
    Random comment:

    Everytime I see this thread, I think of the t shirt I used to have:

    "Dyslexics! UNTIE!!" LOLOL

    Lori, you slay me!!! Thanks for nutinn', buddy! LOL!!! I *cannot* read the title of this thread now *without* reading "UNTIE!!!"

    And I crack up laughing every time I do!
    2.0 NY Eastern Garters; Peepers, Jeepers
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  8. #98
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: Aquarists, UNITE!!!

    Then my work here is done!! LOL

    I discovered Jeffy's problem!!!!!!!!!!

    The problem is-- was-- my huge fluffy black cat Evie was getting on top of the tank and fishing!!!! I've changed tops, Evie can't fish, and Jeffy is coming back out more and more!!!!
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  9. #99
    Thamnophis inspectus Zephyr's Avatar
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    Re: Aquarists, UNITE!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lori P View Post
    Then my work here is done!! LOL

    I discovered Jeffy's problem!!!!!!!!!!

    The problem is-- was-- my huge fluffy black cat Evie was getting on top of the tank and fishing!!!! I've changed tops, Evie can't fish, and Jeffy is coming back out more and more!!!!
    I'm not surprised. XD
    0.1 Storeria dekayi
    Hoping to get some T. s. sirtalis High-Reds next summer!

  10. #100
    "First shed In Progress" kurtnagel's Avatar
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    Re: Aquarists, UNITE!!!

    I'm working on breeding mosquito fish from the local creek (Rosa, my WC radix LOVES them!!). I have about 30 roughly 2/3 female 1/3 male. I've had successful broods that were quickly eaten by the bigger fish in the tank. Just put in a large "breeding mop" so hopefully the next broods will have more of a chance. I'm a bit lazy, so want to avoid the separation tanks and such. Hopefully want to set up enough hiding places that fry can grow. Any other ideas?

    Rosa - Adult Female W/C Plains
    Agua - Neo-Nate Female C/B Puget

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