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  1. #11
    Mr Thamnophis ssssnakeluvr's Avatar
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    Re: Does this happen to you/ your garter?

    after a baby garter crawls thru water, it can stick to the glass.

  2. #12
    Old and wise snake abcat1993's Avatar
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    Re: Does this happen to you/ your garter?

    Now I understand
    0.1 Jack Russell Terrier
    1.0 T. sirtalis

  3. #13
    Former Moderator Cazador's Avatar
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    Re: Does this happen to you/ your garter?

    Try washing your hands before you handle your garter every time, and handle "her" frequently, but for short intervals. Washing your hands gets reduces the predator smell on your hands (from the Jack Russell terrier). Handling her frequently conditions her to the fact that no harm will come when you handle her.

    If she's really skittish, you can put her in a bathtub with about 2" of luke warm water (about 80-90F). Be certain the water isn't too warm! You're 98.6 F, so it should feel slightly cool. Let her swim around until she gets tired. Then offer her your hand. She'll look for high ground to get out of the water. If she doesn't come to you, then slowly and gently hold her, so she can relax with most of her body still in the water. Let her crawl out onto you if she wants. After she has rested, let her go back into the water and repeat the cycle. Stop after three or four rounds. If she's not coming to you by then, put her back in her cage and try it again in a few days. Eventually, she'll associate you with safety and won't be as skittish when you come around.

    Be cautious, though. The warm water will stimulate her to defecate. Also, instead of putting her right back into her cage, you may choose to let her relax in your hands, near your body. Hold her as long as she remains calm (or until you're ready to do something else). This has worked for me with many snakes. Have fun,

  4. #14
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" CrazyHedgehog's Avatar
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    Country: Wales

    Re: Does this happen to you/ your garter?

    Abcat..they don't use the water dish to climb out.. but when they get wet in the water dish, they can then 'stick' to the glass and push themselves up it...

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