Re: Which Aquarium to get
Haha you guys... Way to go off topic. :P I don't care though. Talk about what you want. I offered the $20 for the Bowfront but I haven't gotten a reply yet. I will probably go with that and when I go out west in march, I will be watching for cool accessories for the tank. Question: I want to get a live plant and keep the base of it outside the tank, but have it grow into the tank... I want something like ivy that will grow vines, but I know that ivy is poisinous right?
T. radix Ranch
Re: Which Aquarium to get
Vines thru the tank means an unsecured tank. They will find the flaw in your security and exploit it. They are escape artists. You will be giving them an out.
Having a live plant inside the tank isn't a problem. It also gives them some soil to mess with. They love to dig. I put a few worms in the soil so they can go hunting. I have also found them buried in the soil when I pull the plant out for a cleaning. I just know they were aware of the possible flaw in my security system. Then they look at you like "who me, I wasn't trying to escape" Don't fall for that one. Put them in iso(isolation) for a few day. No visitation and exercise time and they'll change their tune.
Sorry, I forgot we were talking about snakes!
Re: Which Aquarium to get
 Originally Posted by dekaybrown
Unlike a Corn, King, Milk or BP they will spend all day hiding, not a Garter, they are all over the place.
my king snakes are always out looking around and exploring stuff. lol
Re: Which Aquarium to get
Well, I'd let it grow out and the very edge, I'd feed through a hole in the screen, or I would cut a few out and then tape it there after it grew through. I'd have to find a good vine type plant though... :P
Forum Moderator
Re: Which Aquarium to get
 Originally Posted by philthechil
I want something like ivy that will grow vines, but I know that ivy is poisonous right?
Your thinking of "Poison Ivy" that is not even poisonous, it just causes strong allergic reactions in MOST people.
I have been so exposed to it, anymore I could roll in the stuff and not even know it was there.
That only represents one strain of IVY, there are many different kinds.
Re: Which Aquarium to get
No, I meant regular Ivy the. Like the vine stuff. Like this:
Forum Moderator
Re: Which Aquarium to get
That should be fine.
I use the fake IVY from Michael's
Re: Which Aquarium to get
Are you sure? Becuase some people at petco told me that Ivy is poisonous to Reptiles...
T. radix Ranch
Re: Which Aquarium to get
these are the same people who don't know what kind of snakes
they are selling and don't know that goldfish are bad to feed them.
Re: Which Aquarium to get
Ok, because my sister has an ivy plant that I might steal... :P So it's ok to do so?
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