Which Aquarium to get
I've narrowed it down to 4 of them on craigslist so I'd be picking them up. Here are the links
20 gallon aquarium
46 Gallon Bowfront Aquarium - As Is
29 gallon aquarium
reptile terrarium setup
Adult snake
Re: Which Aquarium to get
This depends on how “many” snake you plan to have. A single garter can live quite a while in a 10 gal tank.
The one with the stand would work a long while.
reptile terrarium setup
1.1 Woma (Sun Burst), 2.1 Eastern Blackneck, 3.3 Plains Garter, 3.1 Puget Sound,
2.1 Granite Checker, 1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa (snake sitting )
Re: Which Aquarium to get
I have one Garter which I think is like 26 inches. If I can get ahold of another one, I'm going to put it in with Gwenne but I would have a bigger tank by then.
Forum Moderator
Re: Which Aquarium to get
I'd get the bow front, and build a wooden back for it.
Then you can drill holes for wires, mounts, whatever.
Would make a great project.
Re: Which Aquarium to get
That's not a half bad idea.... I was thinking on getting either that one or the 20g with the accessorys. How much should I offer on the bow front?
Forum Moderator
Re: Which Aquarium to get
they are expensive new, I'd offer $20.
Most people who would want it will want it for fish, and the cracks will deter them.
I got a nice cracked tank for free once.
I got lazy and taped over the crack, it still holds snakes, and I used clear tape, so it looks good.
That 29 is too good a deal to pass up...
29 is a nice size, room to climb up and move around.
Adult snake
Re: Which Aquarium to get
There you go bigger is better sometimes
1.1 Woma (Sun Burst), 2.1 Eastern Blackneck, 3.3 Plains Garter, 3.1 Puget Sound,
2.1 Granite Checker, 1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa (snake sitting )
Forum Moderator
Re: Which Aquarium to get
 Originally Posted by brain
There you go bigger is better sometimes
Garters are a very inquisitive snake, they like to explore.
Unlike a Corn, King, Milk or BP they will spend all day hiding, not a Garter, they are all over the place.
Re: Which Aquarium to get
I found 2 more for you guys to look at. I think I'm gonna go for the bowfront. Unless you guys say otherwise.
Reptile Aquarium-(20 gal long)-Snake Cage w/Accessories
20 Gallon Glass Aquarium
T. radix Ranch
Re: Which Aquarium to get
Just buy them all. You know your going to need them in the future
Start stocking up now. If there's any you don't want just ship them to me. I don't mind.
I just picked up a 30 gal. long with 3 different lids, heat mat, rocks, filter and a light for $20 I don't need the filter but it's nice to have in case the need arises. Craigslist to the rescue.
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