12-05-2008, 10:28 AM
It's all about the Fuzzies
Re: The Offical how old are you thread :D
 Originally Posted by mtolypetsupply
I'm vintage 1970. A classic! LOLOL
It was a good year
Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.
12-05-2008, 11:39 AM
Forum Moderator
Re: The Offical how old are you thread :D
Nah I had to watch romper room in black and white
12-05-2008, 11:48 AM
It's all about the Fuzzies
Re: The Offical how old are you thread :D
I see Wayne, I see Stephi...
Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.
12-06-2008, 10:36 AM
Juvenile snake
Re: The Offical how old are you thread :D
12-06-2008, 10:39 AM
Re: The Offical how old are you thread :D
25 years old going to be 26 in april lol i think i already said this but ahhh here it is again lol..
12-06-2008, 11:18 AM
Re: The Offical how old are you thread :D
"Romper, Stomper, Bomper, Boo...
"Tell me, tell me, tell me true..."
"Do be a Good Do-Bee, Don't be a Bad Do-Bee."
2.0 NY Eastern Garters; Peepers, Jeepers
3.1 Western Hoggies; Kenabec, Niizh, Kokopelli, Anasazi
3.0 Puget Garters; Kunikpok, Tungortok, 'Rockster
1.0 Eastern Milk; Carmello
12-06-2008, 11:28 AM
Forum Moderator
Re: The Offical how old are you thread :D
Old enough to still own a functional Beta deck.......
Found an 8 track tape with Fonzie on it in my box of stuff,
12-06-2008, 12:36 PM
Thamnophis Addict
Re: The Offical how old are you thread :D
 Originally Posted by dekaybrown
Old enough to still own a functional Beta deck.......
Found an 8 track tape with Fonzie on it in my box of stuff,
...and I'm old enough to remember the old computers with no hard drive and only 64K of ram.
9.14 T. s sirtalis, 2.2. T. ordinoides, 1.1 T. e vagrans, 1.1 T. s parietalis,
1.0 T. s sackenii- Peninsular Ribbon
12-06-2008, 12:54 PM
Forum Moderator
Re: The Offical how old are you thread :D
 Originally Posted by Sid
...and I'm old enough to remember the old computers with no hard drive and only 64K of ram. 
And you could modify a RCA cassette deck to store your Commodore 64 data on
12-06-2008, 01:11 PM
It's all about the Fuzzies
Re: The Offical how old are you thread :D
 Originally Posted by dekaybrown
And you could modify a RCA cassette deck to store your Commodore 64 data on 
Commodore 64's are a sore spot for me!
We had an awesome middle school teacher who was really into computers. He started a computer club and had a few of us over to his house to use his pc's. He eventually opened a computer store and we got to help choose the name Anyway, so he introduced us all to computers right when home pc's were becoming available. Atari made one of the best at the time and that's what he recommended. Commodore's were much cheaper and a few of my friends were getting Commodores 64's. What did I want for Christmas that year? A Commodore 64, of course! Let's see this would be Christmas of 82? Well, my amazingly awesome grandpa, knowing nothing about computers, went to said teacher's store, did as much research as he could, and got me the absolute best computer he could afford. The Atari, of course... only problem, everyone else had Commodore's with their little cassettes that everyone gladly shared. One other poor kid and I had Atari's that we could basically do nothing with I used to program stupid little games and type my homework, but that's basically it. It's still in it's original box at my mom's house
RIP Grampa, I still love ya! Btw, my grandpa really was amazing and was like that about everything... nothing but the best for his first granddaughter <gg> or any of the other's who followed
Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.
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