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  1. #21
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: Why I looooooove my hubby!!!

    LOLOL Stefan--- that's the last thing Jamie did before we filled it-- he added to that lip!!!! Neither one of us had thought of that until we got it in the house and were looking at it. But hey, for his first time building anything like this, and for doing it from his head with no plans, I think he pulled it off pretty well. Now I really, really, really want some for the garters... geeez, I'm going to have to be really nice to him aren't I!!!!
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  2. #22
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Loren's Avatar
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    Re: Why I looooooove my hubby!!!

    Very awesome Lori- nicer than any cage I have, thats for sure.

    Are you 100% positive all the sealers and foams are 100% aired out and cured before adding the snakes?

  3. #23
    "Third shed, A Success" Hornets23's Avatar
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    Re: Why I looooooove my hubby!!!

    Wow, i didnt fully comprehend the size of this thing until i saw it next to the 55g tank. That is so awesome...youre going to have a very happy snake.

  4. #24
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: Why I looooooove my hubby!!!

    DISCLAIMER: I do realize this is a garter snake forum. However, I am bursting with excitement to continue to show the adventures of my bp's in their new home. If anyone objects, let me know. My theory is, this can only encourage us to develope more interesting homes for our garters, too. Believe me, I've got plans now for the garters' new digs....

    Here are the girls out last night!!! Jamie took these, I'm always well asleep by the time these snakes come out!! lol

    Check out how there are spots of color on the background-- that happens when the flash hits it but you can't see them when you're jsut looking at it. Funny.

    Loren, yes, we did let it cure well. The hides and background were made last weekend, and sat out in the garage to cure and air out all week. At least, I assume a week is long enough... the odor was gone, to our noses, at least. LOL Let me know if you think we should have waited longer???
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  5. #25
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: Why I looooooove my hubby!!!

    Also, we have discovered how darn easily that plexiglass scratches... bummer... Jamie said we can one day replace it with glass if we need to. It already has a bunch of scratches!!!! But again, for a first attempt, not bad. :-)
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  6. #26
    Reptile Lady reptile3's Avatar
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    Re: Why I looooooove my hubby!!!

    Very nice cage & set up!! how old are the girls? I have a ball python too. Aundrea bought him for me... my early Christmas present. I named him George.... suits him well! He is my BABY!!

    I posted a picture of my reptiles homes, i included the one of George's home.


  7. #27
    "Preparing For Fourth shed" Aundrea's Avatar
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    Re: Why I looooooove my hubby!!!

    Very nice set up Lori!!! They look very happy

    Yes I bought Stephanie George last year for x-mas He is a cutie and boy he sure dont act like a snake LOL
    1 Ball Python Spenser
    2 Dekayi's Bennie, Max
    1 Ornate Boxie Turtle Lola
    1 Baby Russian Tortoise Lilly
    1 Beagle Dog Maycee

  8. #28
    It's all about the Fuzzies jitami's Avatar
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    Re: Why I looooooove my hubby!!!

    Lori, I love that tunnel pic!!! Jamie did good I need a Jamie

    Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
    from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.

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