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Thread: it's posible

  1. #1
    Hi, I'm New Here! Drahylas_dao's Avatar
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    it's posible

    So i am here with this question, i hope it doesn't look weird.
    Its possible to obtain hybrids from sirtalis, eques, scalaris or melanogaster, (any combination)????

  2. #2
    It's all about the Fuzzies jitami's Avatar
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    Re: it's posible


    Interesting question. Hybrids are generally frowned upon by most garter keepers and I don't know of anyone who is intentionally breeding them. You'll see an accidental litter every once in a while. If you check out the "Tami's Kids" thread under General Talk there are pictures of my hybrid sirtalis/marcianus babies, but they were the result of an accidental breeding and won't be bred themselves. (by the way, they look just like marcianus babies, so not too exciting to look at unless you just love cute garter babies)

    So, just curious, what interests you about hybrid garters? Please don't take that as being judgmental in any way It's not I'm genuinely curious

    Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
    from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.

  3. #3
    Forum Moderator aSnakeLovinBabe's Avatar
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    Re: it's posible

    hyridization between garter is possible... but not recommended and many garter specialists think it's downright wrong.

    I myself dont have a problem with hybrids as long as they are honestly represented... but here is the thing... with garters.... a hybrid will often pass off as a full blooded snake... especially once someone buys one and just starts calling it a garter snake, (which 90% of people do not even know there are different kinds) not keeping track of its lineage. Many hybrids are very obvious that they are hybrids..... but garters are not one of them. Keep your garter snakes within their own species and subspecies... don't crossbreed.... you will not produce anything more attractive than what you already have... just a bunch of dull, inbetween garter snakes that will end up being bred later down the line by people who have no idea what they're doing...

    I myself have 1.1 Ribbon snake intergrades... They were more gifts than a purchase... and the only reason they are still labeled as intergrades, is because I have them and I put forth the effort to keep track of what they are. If I sold these snakes... I guarantee you someone else will sell them as just penninsula ribbons... and will taint the blood of the penninsula with that of the western.

    Some hybrids can be attractive... but there is no way to make a garter snake any cooler, more colorful, or better looking (why do you think they are my favorite snakes! ha!) through hybridization.
    Mother of many snakes and a beautiful baby girl! I am also a polymer clay artist!

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: it's posible

    Not to mention that some less than honest people could try to mark up a hybrid and pawn it off as something else.

    I won't go into specifics but if someone really knew what they were doing, they could "produce" offspring that could pass for an expensive less available snake.

    Oops, Hello and welcome to the forum

  5. #5
    Hi, I'm New Here! Drahylas_dao's Avatar
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    Re: it's posible

    ok, it was only a question, i asked that because i have two male sirtalis and a female scalaris and i lost my last male scalaris, Then I thought about the possibility of reproducing them. What do i do?

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: it's posible

    Separate them.

  7. #7
    "Second shed, A Success"
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    Re: it's posible

    Quote Originally Posted by aSnakeLovinBabe View Post
    hyridization between garter is possible... but not recommended and many garter specialists think it's downright wrong.

    I myself dont have a problem with hybrids as long as they are honestly represented... but here is the thing... with garters.... a hybrid will often pass off as a full blooded snake... especially once someone buys one and just starts calling it a garter snake, (which 90% of people do not even know there are different kinds) not keeping track of its lineage. Many hybrids are very obvious that they are hybrids..... but garters are not one of them. Keep your garter snakes within their own species and subspecies... don't crossbreed.... you will not produce anything more attractive than what you already have... just a bunch of dull, inbetween garter snakes that will end up being bred later down the line by people who have no idea what they're doing...

    I myself have 1.1 Ribbon snake intergrades... They were more gifts than a purchase... and the only reason they are still labeled as intergrades, is because I have them and I put forth the effort to keep track of what they are. If I sold these snakes... I guarantee you someone else will sell them as just penninsula ribbons... and will taint the blood of the penninsula with that of the western.

    Some hybrids can be attractive... but there is no way to make a garter snake any cooler, more colorful, or better looking (why do you think they are my favorite snakes! ha!) through hybridization.
    Keep in mind that I am not trying to start trouble here. I am just curious as to why you would say "Keep your garter snakes within their own species and subspecies... don't crossbreed" when you own a hybrid and you also say "I myself don't have a problem with hybrids as long as they are honestly represented"

    You make a partial explanation when you say "you will not produce anything more attractive than what you already have... just a bunch of dull, inbetween garter snakes that will end up being bred later down the line by people who have no idea what they're doing" and "Some hybrids can be attractive... but there is no way to make a garter snake any cooler, more colorful, or better looking through hybridization." but those are extremely subjective comments that can be applied to any hybrids. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    I just find it odd the you can suggest someone keep one group of animals pure and not hybridize them yet not have a problem hybridizing another group.

    By the way, I feel pretty much the same way as you do. I would personally never own one or sell one due to the fact that I can't control what might happen if and when it should leave my control, and since I can't control it I don't want to be a potential contributor to what I see as a problem (misrepresented hybrid animals.) Still, I think it would be hypocritical to say that its OK for someone to breed a cal king to a corn as long as he is honest about it but someone else shouldn't breed a wandering garter and a checkered garter even if they are honest about it. As far as the appearance of the offspring, not everyone who looks at a jungle corn would know that it is a hybrid, and certainly not everyone thinks it is an improvement on what you had with either parent.

    My recommendation to the OP is not to do it, just as my recommendation to anyone inquiring about hybridization would be not to do it. But, if you do decide to do it just make sure that you tell anyone you give or sell the snakes to that they are hybrids and what species are involved.

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