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Thread: Herpetologist

  1. #31
    In Hog Heaven
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    Re: Herpetologist

    Wow. You talk good. I admire you.

    I've no degree, but years of college. But it must be my age, maturity, German work ethic, my personal interest and obsessive compulsiveness with anything... fauna, but basically life experience that's gonna get me that full-time job with the DNR should the legislature ever make what I do a paying job once again.

    Again, I have to say, if one follows their passion, they never work a day in their life. Additionally, if you follow your passion, you are going to soak up so much knowledge and experience - because you're going to make the experiences happen - than someone that simply decides to pursue a career.

    I'm a far better archaeologist, naturalist, interpreter, herper/snake geek, marketer than my x-husband ever was a business man. He pursed an income. I've been pursing my passions all my life. I don't have four years o'this stuff, I've got like 40.

    Yes, I can be arrogant, but not when it comes to my passions. The more you learn the more you learn you don't know squat and how much there is to learn and how badly you WANT to learn it, and learn as much as you can - but know you won't know it all. (WHEW!) I give freely of what I do know and beg to know more. I admit this. And while what I do I do to make a living, this ideal comes across. And I see it daily in the work force. The hiring of the Boomers over the Millineiums. Because they come in with their demands, it has to be done NOW, and everything is immediate satisfication/gratification and businesses and life in general just aren't that way.

    I've had more companies and people take a chance on me - and be very happy for doing so - than I can shake a stick at. And I thank them all from the bottom of my heart. Because I'm not arrogant, I want to learn, and I'm willing to work to make it happen.

    Skills can be learned. Personality is intrinsic. Anyone can get an education. Not everyone is intelligent and can use that education wisely. There are educated idiots. I was married to one.
    2.0 NY Eastern Garters; Peepers, Jeepers
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  2. #32
    "Preparing For Second shed" NikkiSixx's Avatar
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    Re: Herpetologist

    Quote Originally Posted by Steven@HumboldtHerps View Post
    I recommend that you do your best to get good grades in algebra (or calculus) as well as chemistry or biology (especially AP classes). Get it out of the way in high school, so you don't have to redo it in college! These subjects are usually always prerequisites for any of the science majors.

    Im in wildlife bio, and chem., and have taken bio before. Algebra/Calculus isn't my best subject, but im doing pretty good in it i guess. I am taking algebra 2. Calculus next year... mabe.

  3. #33
    "PM Boots For Custom Title"
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    Re: Herpetologist

    I started college last monday, studying Science and first diploma level. I have been and bought my labcoat and all my things. only 3 years in college before i go to Uni study studying 'Wildlife conservation with Zoo Biology'. I am counting down the days.
    I am sending in my application tomorrow so i can volunteer at London Zoo next summer.

  4. #34
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: Herpetologist

    That is so cool Lu

  5. #35
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: Herpetologist

    very cool, Lu
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

  6. #36
    "PM Boots For Custom Title"
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    Re: Herpetologist

    Bad news guys. i didn't get the placement but it gives me the oppertunity to join you guys for the world meeting

  7. #37
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: Herpetologist

    oh no! cool we get to meet though
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

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