P.S. I haven't taken a serious look into it, but I'm certain that most keelbacks
are venomous, and I'm almost postitive that Xenochrophis vittatus (being a keelback) also has a venom. It may be as mild as the venom from garter snakes... I don't know, but it's worth checking before buying. Try: Venomdoc Forums :: Index[/quote]

Thanks Rick
Kuno turned me on to a German site that has a little bit of info on them.
Their glands are like the ones of Garters - not connected to a delivery system - and the toxin apparently not very strong.
The Xenogrophis are generally aggressive, but the vittatus subspecies is not.
They need more water than garters, since they like hanging out in it.
There is a rumour that they may be gotten to take pinkies.
Thanks for the venomdoc site - that looks like a cool resource and I'll look more later.

Btw - my ribbon took his first scented pinkie yesterday without any problem.
So happy to be rid of feeder fish for a while . . .