I would love to have a few different types of rattlers....love the patterns and colors. but Utah is too picky... I used to have a newborn eastern massasauga years ago when I was in the army in Michigan...prettiest blue and black snake you ever seen!!! the vet from the air force base near by gave him to me. it was found on base and they couldn't get it to eat. I took it back to my clinic and it started eating right away!!!!! I had him for about 2 months until I got bit, my fault, I was young and dumb...shouldn't have been handling him the way I was. dry bite, no problem, doctors gave me antibiotics cuz I was bitten by a wild animal...that was it...oh, and the nickname "snake charmer" (I made 4 trips to the ER that year, tehy new me well!!!) teh vet made me get rid of him. she didn't like me anyway so it was something else to ride me about. the snake was donated to the Detroit Zoo and lived a long healthy life there.