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  1. #1
    In Hog Heaven
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    A Work In Progress

    This is where I'm going to post my progress on my first snake's first home. At this point I'm torn between waiting for Kenabec or breaking down and ordering a blue from Scott. Taking a look at my bank balance will help determine. I know for sure I'm going to have multiple garters, but just not so sure as to when. I want to get all three at the same time for size reasons, but I don't hear you guys saying your adults are eating their babies... Can I have some input on that? Finances would lend themselves to gradually getting the garters...

    Input is appreciated. Ideas, suggestions, criticisims (nicely given), pats on the back - you guys have been doing this longer'un me so know better.

    I'm doing this because I'm ssssoooo damn excited I need an outlet.

    Well. 20 gal L cleaned, the Reptitherm heater installed on the front left corner and the tank is in position. It's on the entertainment center, next to the TV. It's one of those new fangled thin ones and may put out some heat, but not a lot. There's a good 4" between the side of the TV, not the back where the heat comes from, and the side of the tank. Rubber feet used, plus the cord helps hold the tank up off the entertainment center. I think I'll be okay.

    There's an eastern facing window about 4' from the left side of the tank. The tank will get BRIGHT light, but not direct. If direct will be very early AM. Because of window and TV I made the decision to put the heater where I did.

    Have not decided on where basking light and water area should go. Though I guess I can move the light around on the top, no? I'm trying to keep all the 'activity' areas to the front for optimum viewing pleasure.

    Next: Substrate

  2. #2
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: A Work In Progress

    I'm sorry, what did you say?? I was too busy looking for PICTURES.... (ducking and running)
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  3. #3
    It's all about the Fuzzies jitami's Avatar
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    Re: A Work In Progress

    Ummm... did someone say pictures???

    Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
    from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: A Work In Progress

    Gertie, Sounds good so far, but during the summer, I use fluorescent lights instead of basking lamps.

    The spiral ones will fit right into the reflector socket.

    During the winter, a 50 watt reflector bulb works great, just keep it on the end where the heater is NOT.

  5. #5
    In Hog Heaven
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    Re: A Work In Progress

    You guys are SO MEAN! Lori, Anj! Nasty girls!

    Wayne, during the summer I'll not use the heater much. It will depend. Like yesterday and the day before it got up to like 90 here. Today? Low 60s with rain. Today, heater. Past two days, no.

    I like the idea of other lamps. I've a couple o'those screwy new liights. 26w = 100w. Would those work?

    Here's what the current substrate is made of. I forgot the Reptibark and the Aspen shavings.

    12 cups coco stuff

    12 cups bark chips

    4 cups peat moss

    1 bag, 1.6 L (100 CU. IN), of Sphagumn moss

    +/- 1/4th of a 24 oz. bag of Timothy hay

    I like it! Looks all the world like I scooped it off the forest/prairie edge floor! All the above makes enought to cover the bottom of a 20 gal L to the depth of about a little over three inches. I've sinced removed it so that I can get in my logs, water bowl, et al so that they sit flat on the bottom of the tank. I think, however, next mix I'll omit the peat moss. There's enough 'dirt' off the other stuff to give me a little dirt.

    Found my water bowl! One of those plastic take-your-leftovers-to-work-for-lunch thingys! And I found a use for my rocks! I put some in the bottom of the water bowl so snakelettes and snakes can't tip it over!

    Now I REALLY want my snake!

  6. #6
    The Leader of the Eastern Gang anji1971's Avatar
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    Re: A Work In Progress

    Sounding good Gertie!
    I use the plastic 'take-your-lunch-to-work thingys' for water, too.
    And I use a heat pad, although I've learned not to actually stick it directly to the tank, because it makes a thorough cleaning a pain it the butt.
    I cover the sticky side of the mat with foil, then I use a couple of ceramic tiles to prop it up against the bottom of the tank. Then I can totally remove the heatmat when I want to lug the tank outside and hose it down.

  7. #7
    In Hog Heaven
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    Re: A Work In Progress

    I don't think it will be too much of a prob, Anj. I'll save the thorough cleanings for the summer months when the heater can go unplugged for a couple days. During the winter I can be more vigilient with scooping, dry wiping, and new substrate. Not to mention ittiz already stuck on there. Though I do have two more - they're the little ones - as I want to put three in like a triangle in the 90 gal.

    And I'm not about to carry ANY tank outside! Too many years, too many smokes, too many steaks, too many beers. I'm lucky I got that puppy up here (second floor duplex) w/o having a coranary!

  8. #8
    In Hog Heaven
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    Re: A Work In Progress

    Oh. And thanks all. I like the "Doing goods." Means I've been paying attention to my betters.

  9. #9
    The Leader of the Eastern Gang anji1971's Avatar
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    Re: A Work In Progress

    Yeah, I think the 20G is the biggest one I'll be lugging around!
    When I get my ginormous tank someday, I'll have to be content with just scooping, vacuuming and spraying down. Unless I can climb right in to scrub it out!!

  10. #10
    It's all about the Fuzzies jitami's Avatar
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    Re: A Work In Progress

    LOL Gertie. After a car accident in January I can't carry Sly's tank either. I can slide it off the entertainment center and get it onto the kitchen bar, but can not lift it back up onto the entertainment center. Sly has lived on the bar for 2 weeks now waiting for my son to put him back in the living room. We have an open floorplan so he's basically in the same large room but now he keeps me company while I'm cooking and doing dishes

    Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
    from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.

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