LOLOL.... my husband keeps telling me when I turn 40 he's trading me in for two 20's!!! LOL
Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others
16 in about a month eastern PA
Last edited by rwgsnakes; 04-24-2008 at 02:06 PM.
23 NC U.S. where are you from in NC(this is from the very first post on this thread)
livin it reptile and loving every minute of it
Originally Posted by rwgsnakes 16 in about a month eastern PA what part of Eastern PA
I'm just about 29, and I'm from Eastern PA,but now I'm in Western PA
i'm 37. i live in iowa and wish more of you lived closer. everyone here think we're wierd bc we have snakes.
Originally Posted by krystalirelan@southslope. i'm 37. i live in iowa and wish more of you lived closer. everyone here think we're wierd bc we have snakes. I can SO relate to that, Krystal!!
Good thing in areas where there are regular reptile shows people don't think you're weird when you have snakes. :P
i only know/ have met a few people (not including my family) that will touch them without panic LOL
S h a n l e y 1.3 eastern garters1 midland painted turtle1 bernese mountain dog1 half siamese cat
My sister told me today that she'd like a garter, but it has to be a bigger one like Deejay, because really tiny snakes make her nervous--too squiggly and fast!
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