Quote Originally Posted by Sid View Post
So far this year I have found 8 different species of snakes. Brown Snake- Storeria Dekayi, Redbelly Snake- Storeria occipitomaculata, Eastern King snake- Lamporpeltis gigetula, Eastern Worm Snake- Carphophis a amoenus, Northern Water Snake- Neordia s sipedon, Black Rat Snake- Elaphe obsolete, Red-belly Water Snake- Neorida f fasicata and Southern Ringneck Snake- Diadaphis p punctatus, but no Garters! Tons of Slimy Salamanders, Green Anoles, Five Lined Skink, and Ground Skinks.
Wow, you are off to a good start though. I would like to get a black rat someday, just to through some variety in the mix. I like some of the nicer colored nerodias, but they are illegal here- considered potentially harmful to our ecosystem or whatever.
I've really only been out the one time- to the desert, but I just bought a fuel efficient vehicle, so I can leave town alot easier now.