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Thread: Birth defects

  1. #1
    Moderator adamanteus's Avatar
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    Birth defects

    I thought this topic worth continuing, but not in the thread where it started as that is an interesting topic in itself.


    Was just about to get started when I noticed Upsy-Daisy at it again... taking a drink in the water bowl... upside down....

    for anyone who didn't see previous info on this special little snake... it was born thinking that the top of it is heavier than the bottom of it. or something to that effect. Spends a lot of time upside down. haha, I am not really sure, but whatever the case here it is: (don't worry it's not drowning and that spot next to its head is NOT poo though it tricks me all the time into thinking it is)


    I really get a kick out of the upside-down one -- too funny!


    Sort of sad, in my opinion.


    I agree with Stefan that the albino is 'sort of sad'. I must admit if it were mine, it would be in the freezer by now.


    I'm afraid I'm with Stefan and James...


    but um, I am sorry but I don't agree with freezing a snake that is otherwise healthy besides the fact that he's messed up balance-wise. He doesn't have seizures, and he's never on his side, it's always right side up or up side down.I have already stated that he's never going to bred or sold, just going to give him a life that he otherwise would never have had. He gives a great feeding response and is growing like a weed. He's not in any state of illness. If your son or daughter was born with a disorder of some sort that caused them not to be able to walk right or stand you wouldn't put them in the freezer, would you? Would you kill your dog if it were blind or deaf? Why should I treat my snake any differently.

    No thanks, I'd much rather give my snake the time of day and the chance to live out his life in whatever way he can go about it.


    Don't worry, we're not trying to tell you what to do with your snakes.

    But I would call it a seizure, when he flips over. At the very least an illness. And actually, I would put my dog out of its misery if it was suffering from the same condition.


    And what Shannon just said is precisely why I find the snake endearing.
    If it were suffering in any way, that would be sad, but since I remembered reading about Upsy-Daisy in another thread, and everything mentioned above was mentioned then, I knew it was not a suffering snake.
    An identity crisis, maybe................Upsy-Daisy just wants to be a bat, or a possum!


    I have an upsy-daisy snake too, by any chance an albino?
    Mine is an albino chequered, eats like a pig, no fitting, but spends much of its time upside down, like it doesn't know the difference. Wierd!..but as he is so 'with it' in every other way, hadn't the heart to do anything about it, moves normally in every other way, but if you turn it upside down, it doesn't right itself, just continues as if nothing is wrong!

  2. #2
    Moderator adamanteus's Avatar
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    Re: Birth defects

    As Stefan says, no one is trying to tell you what to do with your animals, Shannon. We each must make our own choices.
    I too would call this a seizure, and would euthanase any pet with a similar condition if it couldn't be controlled with drugs. I wouldn't destroy a snake if it were blind. Obviously one wouldn't kill a child, but there's no comparison.

    Snakes, of course, don't register distress in the same way mammals do... so we have no real way of knowing if such an animal is suffering.

    What worries me is that such unpleasant defects should be considered in some way cute or endearing. Didn't we have a member last year actively seeking a two headed snake because it would be 'cool'?

    This isn't intended as any kind of attack on you, Shannon, I just think it's a genuinely interesting debate.

  3. #3
    Thamnophis inspectus Zephyr's Avatar
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    Re: Birth defects

    Hmm. I blame inbreeding. Seeing as two members claim having snakes with this upside-down disorder, both being albino checkereds, I'd see it as a result of the breed. I'm pretty sure that to get an albino checkered garter snake, like many of the corn snake varieties, there was inbreeding. Probably heavy inbreeding, seeing as not many people are into garter as compared to ball puthons or corn snakes, and a pair of albinos would have been hard to come by.

  4. #4
    The Leader of the Eastern Gang anji1971's Avatar
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    Re: Birth defects

    I'm not saying that it's cute and endearing meaning that I think it's a great thing to try to collect snakes with defects of some sort. I'm saying it to point out that everyone looks at these things differently.
    Obviously, if I were really into breeding and research on garters, I would not look upon this as favourable, necessarily.
    BUT.... as a regular girl who just loves snakes, I would definitely give one like this a chance to live as best it could. Both members who have these little upside down snakes are obviously quite attached to them, and since they are the ones who care for them on a regular basis and they don't seem to feel the snakes are suffering, then I have to go with the instinct of those owners.
    In this case, for them and myself, it's probably just that we see these critters and have a soft spot for them -- they really are sweet to us, and I see nothing 'worrisome' about feeling that way.

  5. #5
    Moderator adamanteus's Avatar
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    Re: Birth defects

    Indeed. It's when people seek out such a snake in preference to a normal, healthy specimen (as in the 'I want one with two heads' case) that it becomes worrying.

  6. #6
    The Leader of the Eastern Gang anji1971's Avatar
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    Re: Birth defects

    I understand that, but at the same time, if I found a snake with two heads, I'd keep it.

  7. #7
    Edgy Exotic Reptiles EdgyExoticReptiles's Avatar
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    Re: Birth defects

    my vet said something about stargazing, crud i forgot, something like it was contagious or something and he said should not be kept with other snakes or near a collection

    i forgot his actual words though ill ask again

  8. #8
    The red side of life. zooplan's Avatar
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    Re: Birth defects

    Quote Originally Posted by Zephyr View Post
    and a pair of albinos would have been hard to come by.
    albino checkereds are quite common yet, but people allways like the easy way and breed the pure line instead of mating thier albinos to the most beautyful nominat specimens.

    The amelanistiv red sided I´m breeding are 3th to 5th generation of closest inbreding and I hope I can get the first own hets from an unrelated female this year.
    Allready waiting for the sommer
    best wishes bis bald Udo
    Breeding Redsides EGSA-Chairman

  9. #9
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: Birth defects

    I seem to recall that this particular snakes mom had an illness or accident while she was gravid
    Sean's rescue just got a thayerii king with a mild "upper body" version of this - not knowing which side is up
    we think it's from a spinal injury
    it's a very nice snake otherwise and I find myself having a soft spot for it
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

  10. #10
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" CrazyHedgehog's Avatar
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    Re: Birth defects

    I have 2 from the same breeder, but supposedly from different clutches..
    1 is totally fine....the other is just ...well.. odd!
    I have thought a few times that I should really do something about that... but haven't the heart.
    I disagree with James, its not like a siezure, when its upside down, it moves in exactly the same way as when righted, if when you hold it, you turn it on its side, then it moves on its side quite normally, it doesn't seem to have a prefference for any way up thats all.
    agree with Udo, pretty sure its an inbreeding defect though!
    our house is like a zoo, too many to list here!

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