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  1. #41
    Moderator adamanteus's Avatar
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    Re: Dog possibly bitten by snake??

    Tetanus won't cause extensive bruising, like say a Copperhead bite.

  2. #42
    Old and wise snake
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    Country: United States

    Re: Dog possibly bitten by snake??

    thanks Stefan-A.. you can be my spell checker lmao lord knows i need it lol i suck at spelling lol...
    Thanks, ~*Natalie*~

  3. #43
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: Dog possibly bitten by snake??

    Ok, ok, stop posting spider pics already... LOL!!! Just kidding. :-)

    She is vaccinated against tetanus. Not that any vaccine is fool proof, but the tetanus vax does seem to be effective. She does love to dig... and you know, with the warm weather we've had some of the copperheads could have come out of hibernation, think? It was almost 70 yesterday, 60's today.

    No matter what caused it, I suppose, as long as we can get her better quick. She is still the same, did not respond to the pain meds. I'm taking her back first thing in the morning unless she gets worse tonite, then we'll have to go to the emergency vet (but my wallet truly hopes not!!). Those em. vets are sooooo wicked expensive.

    She's such a stoic dog, she never yelps or shows pain. She's very dignified. For her to be this down has us both scared for her. We've had her for about 9 years... rescued her as a wee little puppy in a parking lot and just fell in love. She's a great girl. I just want her better.
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  4. #44
    Moderator adamanteus's Avatar
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    Re: Dog possibly bitten by snake??

    Poor Jewel. I'll be thinking about her.

  5. #45
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Loren's Avatar
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    Re: Dog possibly bitten by snake??

    Hi Lori, From my understanding, dogs actually often survive fairly bad rattlesnake/venomous snake bites. They get all swollen and go through alot of pain, but can live through alot more than humans. I know of a few people that have had their dogs bitten by northern pacific rattlers, which are pretty potent, and although they were very swollen, and "sick as dogs", they survived.
    Like the others have said, the dog would have almost had to extract one from its hibernating spot to find one at this time of year, but anything is possible. Then again- 70 degrees could bring one out for a bit. Could water levels have come up down by the ol' creek and flooded one out? or any construction/digging going on in the area?

  6. #46
    The Leader of the Eastern Gang anji1971's Avatar
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    Re: Dog possibly bitten by snake??

    Been out all evening, and just getting a chance to catch up on things!
    Lori, I hope Jewel is going to be alright, poor thing.............I'll be reading to see what happens with her. Good luck!

  7. #47
    Truieneer, e ras apoat Snaky's Avatar
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    Re: Dog possibly bitten by snake??

    Lori, I'm also hoping Jewel will become all better again soon!!
    Greetz, Hans

    Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.
    -The Shawshank Redemption-

  8. #48
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Country: United States

    Re: Dog possibly bitten by snake??

    She is worse this morning. Kept her in the bed with us last night but she felt cool to me even with the heat up in the bedroom... took her in first thing and they have hospitalized her on fluids and iv antibiotics and antibacterials, her body temperature was very low so she is in a heated cage. The whole area of the bruising is cold and he says it will most likely slough off. They are running bloodwork to check her kidneys and liver and everything.

    I am so scared. Please, whatever it is you do, send prayers or well wishes or good karma or light a candle or spin around three times, but please do it for Jewel. She is one of the kindest and most loving souls I've ever met. We've lost so many this year, I can't lose her too.
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  9. #49
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: Dog possibly bitten by snake??

    If I thought any of it worked, I'd do it, Lori.

    I spinned around four times, take it as a gesture of sympathy.

  10. #50
    Subadult snake
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    Country: United States

    Re: Dog possibly bitten by snake??

    Hello Lori ... Could you please list everything the Vet has prescribed for your dog from the start ??? Do you know what her body temp is ???


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