She's back on pinkies! She just wanted to get her system "primed" before taking the good stuff! Thanks man! Her poops look good now!

My main issue with whole fish is finding something safe and affordable, that's also local. Guppies are just too small to do it for most of my garters or garters I decide to keep that I come across at work, it would usually take several dozen.

Before I was more educated I used to buy minnows in bulk and keep it in a big tank at home. Then I found out how bad it was and the garters I had at the time were already hooked and set in their ways, lost 2 of 4 due to refusal to feed, 1 due to problems associated with thaiminase (I'm sure I misspelled it). And the last I released some time later in apperantly good health.
This was quite a few years ago and since moving away from whole fish I've never had an issue of that nature. I supplement with tilapia sometimes when I'm short on pinkies or pups, but if I have a stubborn one that refuses pinkies for too long I supplement the tilapia with mutli-vitamin and calcium, and occasionally offer earthworms, until I'm ready to try switching them over again.

I've also had success with chicken breast! But can't advise this to others as I have no proof that it is or isn't healthy. But they get fat fast on a rodent diet supplemented with chicken breast. And the ones that take the chicken really... really... really love it