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  1. #11
    Hi, I'm New Here! Dakotagater's Avatar
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    Re: Greetings from North Dakota

    Hello all,

    Well, I am relieved to say we had our first captive shed over the weekend, it went very well and I have some great pics and even some sweet video. I have never been privileged enough to see this before, it was really a great opportunity to finally witness this transformation. Slinky is active once again and lounging in the bushes under the heat lamp. Has eaten two pinkies tonight... might have over done a bit. In truth the last couple of days I was worried... but now he is back to normal, makes me feel better. Also, I am pretty sure I have a male, really slender tail past the vent, but need to confirm. Have a few pic's of the tail vent area, not good ones but pretty tell tale, no pun intended. well without further ado, here are some pic's.

    Slinky 10.jpgSlinky 12.jpg

  2. #12
    Hi, I'm New Here! Dakotagater's Avatar
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    Re: Greetings from North Dakota

    Hey Norman, Have to admit, as a kid like you I was always willing to chase down a garter to spend some quality time with a cool reptile... Last summer while clearing some trees and brush I caught a huge (female) one and I was really tempted to hang on to her... but I ended up letting her go after she calmed down, we (mostly me) enjoyed the summer sun and once she relaxed I was able to handle her and see all the colors and the imperfections that these snakes have in the wild, was a good day. With that said, this spring I'll be putting Slinky back in the wild, but who knows maybe one of these days an opportunity will present itself and I'll get another one some day.

  3. #13
    Hi, I'm New Here! GitaBooks's Avatar
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    Re: Greetings from North Dakota

    Welcome to the forum! So glad you could join! : )

    Garter Snakes rock, a great size but lots of energy. I'm glad he can go back out to his woodpile in the spring, but I'm sure he's loving the indoors for now.

  4. #14
    Hi, I'm New Here! Dakotagater's Avatar
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    Country: United States

    Re: Greetings from North Dakota

    Hello, Thanks for the warm welcome, I agree it will be nice to release this one... but it's going to be difficult, his habitat is right next to me so we get a fair amount of quality time. I think he's getting better with my movement and is actually getting bold or perhaps curious as wiggly fingers get a good amount of watching, stalking and tongue flicking. And I would agree he's certainly eating well and enjoying the comfort of heat lamps, a pool and log to hide in... I can't believe the cost of food! I (oddly the wife actually) found a great price on pinkies, well, at least a better price than Petco... which was 3 for about 6 bucks. She found some (micedirect) for $60.00 @ 100. These should last till this spring .

    Quote Originally Posted by GitaBooks View Post
    Welcome to the forum! So glad you could join! : )

    Garter Snakes rock, a great size but lots of energy. I'm glad he can go back out to his woodpile in the spring, but I'm sure he's loving the indoors for now.

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