I didn't even know luecistic garters existed. That picture makes her look more peach than pink, if so that is pretty unique. What species is she? Was she wild caught and if so where? When it comes down to it she is quite a peach.
Dan its in Branford Connecticut. I messaged the guy and it's his friends they want to keep it but made him a couple offers so we will see if it makes it into the hobby or not. I stressed to him that it needs to be bred lol
I didn't even know luecistic garters existed. That picture makes her look more peach than pink, if so that is pretty unique. What species is she? Was she wild caught and if so where? When it comes down to it she is quite a peach.
She is a cross between flame and luecistic, so she is a flame luecistic combo. She is T. sirtalis sirtalis aka eastern garter snake. I have some adult poss hets too and was hoping to produce some babies this year but they weren't quite big enough even though they were two years old. Hopefully next year.
Already saw the Conneticut snake, which is why I posted this post in the first place,lol.