"Preparing For Third shed"
Re: Rush's Thamily!!
Need to grab some more guppies from my old roommate.
"Preparing For Third shed"
Re: Rush's Thamily!!
Betty also seems to be falling asleep quickly and alot today. I just tried giving her some worm chunks and she didn't want any (I tried feeding separate from the big girls this time since Eliza snatched a piece from her last time). I put her down on the basking spot, I know heat is number one thing they need if/when they are under the weather. Think it might be a good idea to go grab a 5g for her for the time being? I'm not sure she's stressed by the other two (like I said she always seems 100% fearless) but I figure this would also do good to monitor her separately from the big girls (as far as I can tell nothing untoward with the tiny poos). Also is it normal for little spaghetti scrubs (well she's a little fatter than that now, she's def gained at least a few tenths of a gram I'd guess since I got her) to have somewhat foldy skin especially around her scrawny neck?
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: Rush's Thamily!!
 Originally Posted by Rushthezeppelin
Betty also seems to be falling asleep quickly and alot today. I just tried giving her some worm chunks and she didn't want any (I tried feeding separate from the big girls this time since Eliza snatched a piece from her last time). I put her down on the basking spot, I know heat is number one thing they need if/when they are under the weather. Think it might be a good idea to go grab a 5g for her for the time being? I'm not sure she's stressed by the other two (like I said she always seems 100% fearless) but I figure this would also do good to monitor her separately from the big girls (as far as I can tell nothing untoward with the tiny poos). Also is it normal for little spaghetti scrubs (well she's a little fatter than that now, she's def gained at least a few tenths of a gram I'd guess since I got her) to have somewhat foldy skin especially around her scrawny neck?
you stress way too much bro haha she will be fine!!! they do best when they are left alone a lil. constant looking and handling will only stress them
"Preparing For Third shed"
Re: Rush's Thamily!!
I really only get to do it on my lunch break and when I get home (I just try and observe them for 10-20min twice a day), but your probably right I am overly wary of any slight change. Still just trying to learn the nuances of these creatures and I've always been a very (overly) observant person. I'm guessing she's probably going into or will be going into shed anytime now as she's the only one who hasn't shed for me yet.
T. radix Ranch
Re: Rush's Thamily!!
Could be a retained shed. Folds in skin are a classic sign of retained shed. Best to get her in a container with some water or wet paper towels. Thank Steve Schmidt for this idea of a possible problem
"Preparing For Third shed"
Re: Rush's Thamily!!
Hmmm they have a humid hide in there, never seen her use it though. I thought the folding was more from her skin having to have so much stretch even to get a tiny piece of worm down. It has been two weeks though and she hasn't shed, I assume they shed really often when they are noodles. She's also seemed rather dull (especially on the top of her head although I don't know what normal is like for her) and I have caught her rubbing her head alot in the past few days. Either way shes in a shed box now, will check on her in 30 and leave her alone for the rest of the night.
T. radix Ranch
Re: Rush's Thamily!!
The link I provided tells you ways to see if it is a retained shed and how to get it off.
"Preparing For Third shed"
Re: Rush's Thamily!!
Well the only clues I have is less activity and the folds that run usually on the sides down the length of her body it's like she's got too much skin sorta is the best way to describe it. I never saw her blue or anything but I don't know how noticeable/quick it is at that age. I'd be scared to have to actually start the shed for her (she's so darn tiny) but she ain't moving much in there right now.
"Preparing For Third shed"
Re: Rush's Thamily!!
I'm really not sure, I put her back and while there's the lengthwise folds on her she doesn't seem to have any vertical folds when she curves. I'll observe her for a little bit in the morning. Perhaps try some more worms with her.
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: Rush's Thamily!!
IMO, I would stick with the hydration, moist paper towels , humid hide and water bowl as ways to energize her. Then feedings. Adequate hydration is the mainstay for homeostasis and precedes nutrition. Remember the cloaca is like a sponge so the moist paper towels is a good way to ensure that she is receiving hydration. I recall when my granite checkered runt looked like she wasn't going to survive after she was born. Then , one day she expelled some fluid (clear) from her mouth and hasn't looked back. She still drank water but wouldn't eat for like a week. I don't know if that fluid came from her lungs, g.i. tract or just a kind of mucus plug. Oh, guess I got side tracked.
Stay in peace and not pieces.
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