"Preparing For Third shed"
List of checkered morphs?
Just was curious if anybody had a list of all the morphs currently out there for checkereds. The thing that prompted me was googling melanistic checkered and only coming up with easterns. Was just kinda curious what all my options are for breeding with my normal if and when I decide to do so.
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: List of checkered morphs?
Albino, granite, and pastel. Then you have the super and combo morphs. (super pastel, albino granites, and pastel granites). There might even be some pastel albinos, but i haven't seen any yet.
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: List of checkered morphs?
kinda narrow morph list if your into checkereds lol they need to find the erythristic checkered and anerythristic!!
"Preparing For Third shed"
Re: List of checkered morphs?
Would it even be worth the bother to breed a normal to any of the morphs? Is there a chance she might be het for something already that is recessive and not expressed in her but could come out in her kids? Or are the chances really high that she is absolutely normal in which case I would be guaranteed all normals (but chance of being slightly het for w/e I bred her with). Would it be good regardless to get some wild genes into the pet trades genepool even if she isn't het for anything?
Re: List of checkered morphs?
Well it depends. I know nothing about checkered garter genetics, but if any of the traits are co-dominant you could end up with non normals even if the mother does not have the gene. The chances of her being recessive for a morph with out you knowing it are extremely low. On the other hand she might be and there is only one way to find out.
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: List of checkered morphs?
 Originally Posted by Rushthezeppelin
Would it even be worth the bother to breed a normal to any of the morphs? Is there a chance she might be het for something already that is recessive and not expressed in her but could come out in her kids? Or are the chances really high that she is absolutely normal in which case I would be guaranteed all normals (but chance of being slightly het for w/e I bred her with). Would it be good regardless to get some wild genes into the pet trades genepool even if she isn't het for anything?
always good to intraduce new genes. that being said any morph you breed her with the offspring will be 100% het for that morph. you would then breed the offspring to eachother to produce the morph
Re: List of checkered morphs?
Someone who is really into garters needs to herp the crap out of checkereds range where they are the most common looking for morphs... they have had only 3 morphs for way too long.
"Preparing For Third shed"
Re: List of checkered morphs?
I've got great habitat right near my apartment. I just don't know how to herp very well lol. Any tips or guides you could link? It will be in a creekside environment with some rocks and usually alot of thick overgrowth.
I got my checkered girl when she hitched a ride home with me in my fishing lure bag, so it was total accident.
"Preparing For Third shed"
Re: List of checkered morphs?
I guess another thing too. If I'm looking for morphs I might not be able to go off pattern. What are the other indicators of checkered garters (IIRC every garter species has slightly different face scales?)
"Preparing For Third shed"
Re: List of checkered morphs?
Well crap doesn't look like here genes are going to make it into the greater pool unless there's some legal loophole (nor would any morphs I caught). Did a little more research and found that while I did collect her validly (with a texas hunting license that I do possess), you can not use indigenous wild caught snakes for commercial purposes. I'm guessing this means I could not sell her babies, although I'd imagine giving them away wouldn't be bad? Should I probably call up the game wardens office to clear this up?
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