Here are some pictures I took. They are the best I could get. It looks like she might not have shed her eye caps on the last shed. Unfortunately the last shed was partially in water, so I couldn't clearly see if the eye caps came off or not. A couple days later I noticed her eyes looked a little off. Does this look like a retained eye cap? If it is, it's definitely the first time it has happened. Should I just wait for the next shed and see if they come off with the next ones? She's behaving fine and is eating with no issue.
They are still there. Just fed her last night, she attacked the food right away. She hasn't shed yet.
Alright, so she shed this morning/today and the one eye is now clear, but the other one isn't. I'm pretty sure it's retained caps. Is this something I can remove myself or should I call a herp vet? Anyone have an idea how much that costs?
A Vet.(qualified reptile Vet) can certainly do the job and so can you if you are up to it.
I have always said that tape should never be used in a snake enclosure or anywhere around snakes. I say this with one exception. For the past couple of years I've used scotch tape to remove retained eye caps. The process is simple. Wrap the tape around your index finger(sticky side out) then lightly brush it up against the retained cap. Start somewhere at the edge of the eye. The adhesive will grab the cap and it will pop of. Every time I've used this method it took only one time to remove the cap. I have also heard of people using the tape by simply touching the eye and the cap comes off on the tape.
Great concern must be given anytime the eye is touched. NEVER force the tape hard onto the eye. As a rule, a retained eye cap isn't life threatening and usually comes off with the next shed.
I am not a Vet. and am not presenting myself as one. This method has worked for me and others I know. If you don't feel comfortable doing this procedure see a Vet.
The tape has never worked for me; but I'm probably trying it on cases that are a little more stuck, hence why at the clinic. Give it a try; just scotch tape though, nothing super sticky as if it's not a retained eye cap you don't want to suck off the spectacle. What I find is most successful is giving the snake a bath and letting everything get nice and soft. Then a gentle rub with the finger usually lifts an edge up where it can be rubbed off further. You can also use a wet cotton tipped applicator and roll it against the grain to lift up a stuck scale.
If none of these methods work then take it to your vet.
ive only had the issue once with my ball python, soaking in warm water was what helped. if not comfortable with the tapw (like me) you can also try a warm damp towel inside of a pillow case.