Not the first time I have found a snake in my basement but never this young. Usually I just relocate them outside but this one is only a few inches long, maybe 4-6, haven't seen it stretch out much since I put some hiding places in its temporary new home.
I want to give it a fighting chance so looking for any tips or info to get it prepared to go back into the wild by winter or if I should keep until next spring. Trying to find a bigger more proper home for it tomorrow and look into getting some sort of food. Its in a bucket now with a saucer of water and some cardboard hiding places.
Not the first wild pet or baby I have found to rescue but want to make sure I get the next few days right and hopefully aid it to have a chance in the wild.
Re: Caught very young Garter in basement what to do?
Thanks for being concerned about this little one. The most important thing is to identify what species you have. Can you post a photo? What part of the country are you in?
Without the ID it's hard to give advice on food. Giving it a place to hide and some water is a good start.
Re: Caught very young Garter in basement what to do?
Originally Posted by guidofatherof5
Thanks for being concerned about this little one. The most important thing is to identify what species you have. Can you post a photo? What part of the country are you in?
Without the ID it's hard to give advice on food. Giving it a place to hide and some water is a good start.
In south east PA, seems to be a common garden/yard type that I have seen many times. Prob more on the 4inch side. Spent a few hours chilling in the water and had stayed near it since ignoring the hiding places.
Was planning to get some small worms and get a proper cage with paper towel bedding and some more card board hiding spots and maybe de barked stick or two.
Re: Caught very young Garter in basement what to do?
It seems to be getting more comfortable, moving about and peeking in and around the stuff in his current enclosure. Want to try to feed it by tomorrow, and also try to move it to a bigger enclosure, but thinking it would be good to attempt to feed before moving and ease it into a new bigger space.
Tried to snap another pic but it got shy and hid on me. Finally figured out how to put pics on, some are from last night (Coiled and in water).
Re: Caught very young Garter in basement what to do?
It's best chances in the wild are, in the wild. It probably would have eaten several times already in the past few days if under a nice piece of cover.
Re: Caught very young Garter in basement what to do?
Thanks for getting back to us so soon and for the photos. Looks like a young T. s. sirtalis (Eastern garter snake). Worms would be a great food. I think right now hydration in more important, it sounds/looks like the snake knows that too. If the snake is soaking when you go to feed it put the little worm right in the water dish. A place to warm up is going to be important so the sooner you get your new friend in a larger home the quicker you can supply some heat for thermoregulation. Please keep us posted on your progress and be sure to introduce yourself in the "Welcome Lounge" so that we can say hello. The Garter Snake Lounge
Re: Caught very young Garter in basement what to do?
Originally Posted by joeysgreen
It's best chances in the wild are, in the wild. It probably would have eaten several times already in the past few days if under a nice piece of cover.
I have a feeling a small population lives or gets around my homes drainage system. If I didn't find it, it would have practically had zero big threats and winter would be its biggest nemesis. Not trying to throw it out to the "wolves". Most bigger ones I place outside and into good hiding spots, this one wouldn't last with the cool nights incoming and the larger predators.
It was also found in an area where I have found dead snakes, once they get out into the basement most don't get back to the safety of the drainage system and die or dry out dehydrated. This is the smallest I have found, I don't like them intruding in to my personal space but also don't want to leave it to fight a losing battle outdoors.
Re: Caught very young Garter in basement what to do?
What would be a good way to help with adding a warm area for it. I have been thinking about it actually but not sure what to do outside of commercial warmers.
Re: Caught very young Garter in basement what to do?
just go to a pet store and get a 10 gallon terrarium and a dome lamp. Put the lamp on top of the screen pointed down at one end/corner of the tank with a 50w bulb for heat.
You can return it all to the store later if it's temporary. If it's not then you'll need it all anyway.