sorry for the poor quality photos (thats what you get when you leave the bf to take them while you work lol). Does she look gravid to anyone? gravid1.JPGgravid2.JPG
I got a wc female that's pretty big IMO anyways that has been with a male about half her size, for almost a year now and i have seenthemholding tatails a few times, this has been several months ago now, but anyways I have thought she was gravid a few times because of scale spread that can be seen from time to time but i don't know how long it takes from mating to birth or if she might be holding back for later. But now she has 2 males and the new one is closer to her size so I'm hoping something goes on (boom chicka wow wow) but all i know to really do is wait and see like Steve said fingers crossed for both of us
i got my fingers crossed!!! if she does have babies i want to release the adults and most babies where i found them and maybe keep one or two scrubs. she seems to be bigger than when i first got her and she is a pig at feeding time!