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  1. #21
    Never shed
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    Oct 2013
    North Carolina
    Country: United States

    Re: New Male Albino T. marcianus

    Ok. Well, he got that tilapia and I was going to go ahead and get guppies next time anyways. Next time I'll make sure he gets something other than them to make sure he doesn't lose any more thiamin. He's still doing fine, but another time with them probably won't be the best idea.

  2. #22
    Never shed
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    North Carolina
    Country: United States

    Re: New Male Albino T. marcianus

    Ok, so I got some guppies and a mouse pinky for him yesterday since the other fish were identified as bad. It's been 5 days since he last ate. The larger one died this afternoon, so I was kind of uncomfortable feeding it to him. But, I left it in with the smaller guppy anyway. He bite the smaller one, but released it and went after the larger one. It was too big for him, so he ended up dropping it and I threw it away. He completely ignored the other one. After a lot of hesitation, he finally took it. I left it in his water bowl (I went ahead and put the bowl back in) to see if he would take it on his own. During one of his swims, he finally took it. I didn't notice in time, so I couldn't slide some pinky parts behind it. The guppy was pretty small, so I'll get some more in a few days and try the mouse again then. The whole pinky is just slightly too big for him, so I cut off some parts. He totally freaked out, and acted like the mouse was a predator. He started wagging his tail around and flew off away from it. I tried scenting it, and he got interested in it, but once he touched it, he turned away. I'll be visiting Wal-Mart again to see if they got any scales in. Last time I went they didn't have any. I don't know if I just didn't know where to find them, or if they don't carry any. I was looking around in the cooking section for a grams scale. He seems to be growing right in front of my eyes, and I wanted to see some physical proof of what seems to be pretty drastic growth. That first fish I gave him left a pretty large bulge, but the second one didn't even leave a bulge even though it was larger than the first, so he had to have grown. It had only been a little over a week. 0.0 I would post some pics, but I can't seem to find any memory cards for the camera.

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