Quote Originally Posted by jwolfe152 View Post
well at least you know other people care enough to at least call and ask someone who knows instead of looking at it and saying ahhh poor turtle, then just walking away. i cant imagine it would be that hard to apply the screen material or fiberglass, the thing to watch for is a wet sore that could fester underneath any material.
One segment of the shell has been pushed below the rest though... And it's now being held out of place by the other segments. It'll have to be popped back into place before the shell could begin to heal. I've watched tons of videos on the subject, but I wouldn't want to do that if there's any chance I can get a vet to do it. Plus, I got the majority of bone fragments out, but there's at least one still stuck in there. Hoping it'll come out as the dead skin begins to slough off though...
I cried when I had to trim Turtle's toenails earlier in the week and I accidentally made one bleed. She didn't even notice lol. I'm not generally squeamish at all, but I really hate to be the one causing an animal pain. I'd definitely feel a lot better about any future 'rescue' procedures I have to do if I could get a walkthrough by a vet.