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  1. #21
    Subadult snake EKS56's Avatar
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    Re: Just not hungry?

    He's not all that big compared to the female.

    Lil Man.jpg

  2. #22
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Just not hungry?

    Good looking male.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  3. #23
    Subadult snake EKS56's Avatar
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    Re: Just not hungry?

    I don't think either of them were handled very much but they have really taken to being held. Maybe even to the point of enjoying it. I pestered him to eat most of the day today. I'll try again later tomorrow.

  4. #24
    "Fourth shed, A Success" thamneil's Avatar
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    Re: Just not hungry?

    Sorry I instantly assumed they were young! Doesn't have to be a deli cup! Any container will work! Just leave them be with a living fish, and they WILL eat it.
    The Thamnophis Aficionado

  5. #25
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" chris-uk's Avatar
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    Re: Just not hungry?

    My blacknecks are my worst eaters, inconsistent and at the moment they haven't eaten since mid-November. Their activity level has been almost nil, so they aren't expending a lot of energy and neither have lost weight. I'm not going to worry much unless they don't start eating as the days get longer.
    But when they do eat it is rarely in front of me. Although to highlight how inconsistent they can be, one week the female ate from my hands (I'd had her out to weigh before feeding, and the dish was in front of the viv door, she got a whiff and helped herself when I was opening the viv to put her back), odd weeks she will tong feed (usually only when she's at the top of a plant), and other weeks she refuses to eat when I'm in the room.
    T. marcianus, T. e. cuitzeoensis, T. cyrtopsis, T. radix, T. s. infernalis, T. s. tetrataenia

  6. #26
    Smells Like Teen Spirit Invisible Snake's Avatar
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    Re: Just not hungry?

    I have a few Eastern Blacknecks, a large female that will eat anything offered and a pair of 2012's that would only eat live fish. I started heavily scenting pinkies with live feeder fish for the 2012's and they have been eating them twice a week.

    With older EBN's they are most likely wildcaught, I can only count on 1 hand ppl who have CB EBN's older than 3 years. My large female is docile when picked up, but when reaching in her enclosure she would false strike.

  7. #27
    Subadult snake EKS56's Avatar
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    Re: Just not hungry?

    The first couple of times I picked up my female she bumped me threatening a bite.

  8. #28
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Just not hungry?

    Quote Originally Posted by EKS56 View Post
    The first couple of times I picked up my female she bumped me threatening a bite.
    My girl "Enforcer"(T.radix female) does that every time we meet.
    I'm guessing it's her way of reminding me who the boss is.

    Even though she has been with me from birth she still pushes her weight around.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  9. #29
    Subadult snake EKS56's Avatar
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    Re: Just not hungry?

    Got me some silver sides tonight. I'll see if he has a taste for fish.

  10. #30
    Subadult snake EKS56's Avatar
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    Re: Just not hungry?

    I know I'll probably get scolded for this but I stopped by Ray's tonight and I'm gonna try some live minnows on my little male Blackneck. He hasn't eaten in the six weeks since I got him and I want to see him eat. If he don't eat eventually it won't matter. I had an Eastern that was fed nothing but these minnow's from from the same bait and tackle for ten years and he is still wiggling so I'm hoping if I can break the ice he'll start eating pinkies and nightcrawlers and ween him off the minnows.

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