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  1. #1
    Hi, I'm New Here! Timsreptiles's Avatar
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    Frozen Fish Fillet as food

    I have been feeding my larger Checkered Garter Snake on frozen/thawed fish fillets from a fish species ( hake) that does not contain thiamisane. Each fish fillet contains skin, bone and flesh. I will supplement the fish fillet with calcium and vitamins. I will add variety by providing fillets from different thiamisane free fish species and the occusional pinky.

    What do you guys/gals think?

  2. #2
    "Preparing For First shed" Buck's Avatar
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    Re: Frozen Fish Fillet as food

    I do believe that that is a great diet that has virtually no setbacks You may want to occasionally give him a bit of a challenge by allowing live thiaminase free fish, such as guppies, into his water bowl to give him some entertainment in hunting for his prey.
    The name's Buck. Short for Buckminster. Long for Buh.

  3. #3
    Smells Like Teen Spirit Invisible Snake's Avatar
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    Re: Frozen Fish Fillet as food

    This thread is a good read for anyone feeding frozen fish to their garters

    My personal opinion.. I'm not into frozen fish. I prefer to feed f/t pinkies, live guppies for babies, and Canadian nightcrawlers.
    Last edited by Invisible Snake; 12-23-2012 at 04:51 PM.

  4. #4
    Hi, I'm New Here! Timsreptiles's Avatar
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    Re: Frozen Fish Fillet as food

    Had a look at the note will make 100% sure any fish I buy is free of this chemical.

  5. #5
    Adult snake Greg'sGarters's Avatar
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    Re: Frozen Fish Fillet as food

    You said he would eat pinkies? If he does, you should feed him more pinkies than fish fillet. I'd say about 1 fish fillet one week and for the next 2 weeks, feed him pinkies. So once every 3 weeks. This is because in the environment that Checkereds are found in, they will eat mice more commonly than fish. Although it is great that you feed him a variety!
    1.1T.s. concinnus, 1.1 T.s. parietalis, 1.0 T.s. semifasciatus, 0.1 T. radix
    "Garters are predictable. Predictably variable" - Neil Balchan

  6. #6
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Selkielass's Avatar
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    Re: Frozen Fish Fillet as food

    My two oldest snakes got fat on a mostly- rodent diet.
    I went to rodent once a month, fish and worms the rest, and they are looking and acting much healthier.(more active)
    Everyone seems to have their own favorite proportion of different foods.
    Mine really do relish their rodent treats though.

  7. #7
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" d_virginiana's Avatar
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    Re: Frozen Fish Fillet as food

    Seems to me like worms are overlooked as an important staple for garters a lot of times. Mine eat mostly nightcrawlers.
    The only fish I trust to feed are the pre-packaged frozen silversides you can get from places like Petsmart or Petco. Even if you feed fish of a safe species, you run the risk of contamination from other sources or pollution. Just be aware that feeding a safe species of fish doesn't necessarily mean that the food source is 100% safe all the time. Many people do this with no problem, it's just good to be aware of.

    3.0 T. sirtalis sirtalis, 1.1 T. cyrtopsis ocellatus, 1.0 L. caerulea, 0.1 C. cranwelli, 0.1 T. carolina, 0.1 P. regius, 0.1 G. rosea, 0.0.1 B. smithi, 0.1 H. carolinensis

  8. #8
    Adult snake Greg'sGarters's Avatar
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    Re: Frozen Fish Fillet as food

    My possibly pregnant eastern eats like a pig. She will eat 4 pinkies, 2 worms, and 3 fish fillets (about as wide as a nickel and as high as a dime) and still beg for more!
    1.1T.s. concinnus, 1.1 T.s. parietalis, 1.0 T.s. semifasciatus, 0.1 T. radix
    "Garters are predictable. Predictably variable" - Neil Balchan

  9. #9
    "Preparing For Fourth shed" snake man's Avatar
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    Re: Frozen Fish Fillet as food

    I think it is a pretty good diet. Worms are always nice though .
    0.1 Red axanthic x red radix

  10. #10
    Hi, I'm New Here! Timsreptiles's Avatar
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    Re: Frozen Fish Fillet as food

    Thanks for the advise.
    Garter Snakes are rare in the South African pet trade and other than live fish pet shops do not sell whole frozen fish or earthworms. Buying frozen rodents is easy and I can get get worms from my garden ( is totally pesticide free). I can buy fresh fish and freeze them to avoid any chemicals used in freezing. SA offshore fisheries are pretty safe chemical wise as for as I know.

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