I like snakes!
Re: Thamnophis sirtalis similis
Nice looking babies!
"Preparing For Fourth shed"
Re: Thamnophis sirtalis similis
They are already mine
0.1 Red axanthic x red radix
Adult snake
Re: Thamnophis sirtalis similis
Let me know when she gives birth. Please do post up pictures of the babies!!
1.1 T.s. concinnus, 1.1 T.s. parietalis, 1.0 T.s. semifasciatus, 0.1 T. radix
"Garters are predictable. Predictably variable" - Neil Balchan
"Preparing For Fourth shed"
Re: Thamnophis sirtalis similis
I got two of the babies which are already very blue. There are already pictures of them in my snake thread.
0.1 Red axanthic x red radix
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: Thamnophis sirtalis similis
Here is a few pics of the babies starting to color up.
Attachment 7695Attachment 7696Attachment 7697
Re: Thamnophis sirtalis similis
 Originally Posted by norcalj
Also, Florida Blues wouldn't have well defined lateral stripes like that.
If all you've seen is ones that don't have the defined lateral stripe, then naturally you would think that. Florida blues are an eastern and you know how variable they are. I still say that's a T. sirtalis sirtalis.
Hey, your link above doesn't work.
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: Thamnophis sirtalis similis
I have the moderators looking in to it. I can't submit new threads or post pics. Now to the topic about the similis. There are certain lacales that have lighter background colors. There is sirtalis sirtalis and sirtalis similis and then in some areas you find inergrades. With any wildcaught snake you never will know if they are 100% pure unless you did some type of dna testing. I can assure you the snake in that pic is not an eastern. She has a very defined blue lateral stripe and is much smaller than my fl. Easterns even the structure of her head is smaller. I can't guarantee wether she is a pure similis or an integrade, but there is no way she is a pure eastern. I have worked with hundreds of florida easterns including albinos, ery's, and apalachicola locales and i have never seen an eastern like this. If you look at the pure baby similis that have been produced lots of them have this same pattern and i know some of them darken up, but not all of them. I hope this helps!
T. radix Ranch
Re: Thamnophis sirtalis similis
Try reloading each attachment on its own line.
Seemed to fix the problem for another member when they had the same problem.
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: Thamnophis sirtalis similis
The problem is i can't submit new threads or post pics. I can only reply to a thread and if i hit the go advanced button to add pics i dont have the post quick reply button anymore so i just have to exit off. As long as i stay on the quick reply screen im fine, but i would like to be able to submit new threads and post pics again. I hope they can come up with a solution. When i try to start a new thread and i begin to type, all of the words stay on the top line no matter how many i type the line just gets longer and longer and will not switch to the next line and there is no button that says submit new thread so i can't do anything. Im not sure what's going on here.
T. radix Ranch
Re: Thamnophis sirtalis similis
Sounds like Boots(Jason) has his work cut out for him. Keep us posted on your progress.
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